Google Celebrates 12th Birthday With New Doodle - Google's 12th Birthday Logo

Google Celebrates it's 12th Birthday With it's New Doodle aka Google's 12th Birthday Logo as on 27th September, 2010 (09/27/2010)

Many Many Best Wishes "Happy Birthday" to search engine giant GOOGLE on it's 12th successive year - We all should thank Google for making our online life simpler, organized, beautiful, informative and for sharing so many great website's/product's all for FREE to the world!

Happy Birthday Google - 12th B'day on 27th Sep, 2010
Check out today and you will notice Google Universal Logo converted into a Birthday Cake (loooking not so much delicious :-) with a single candle, I think they should get 12 candles for celebrating their 12th birth anniversary atleast to the logo image.

Anyways, the alternate text to Google 12th Birthday Logo Image say's "Happy 12th Birthday Google by Wayne Thiebaud. Image used with permission of VAGA NY."

Dear Mr. Amar Sontakke - So Called SEO Professional from Pune, India

UPDATE: "I got in touch with Mr Sujay Pawar at Facebook who is Head Business at the organisation where Amar Sontakke works, I had informed Sujay about this plagiarism issue where he has promised me to look into this matter personally and make sure to let Amar realize how serious plagiarism issue is. 

After my conversation with Sujay, Amar Sontakke has taken down all copied content....Thanks Sujay :-)

I would like to extend my thanks to all folks who contributed and helped me to spread words about this issue. It was just an small incident, but I'll keep continue educate people on how serious plagiarism & content scrapping is. We have to create a better World!"

An Open Letter to Mr. Amar Sontakke "So Called" SEO Professional a Content Scrapper from Pune, India with just 9-10 months SEO experience with no existence or evidence of his SEO work ever before 2010
Are you stealing my shit
Image Source: Photobucket

This article is not all by any means intend to hurt any individual's sentiments or discourage them morally, personally or professionally. I thought it would be worth sharing because many of you have also faced such situation in your professional life where some anonymous person has stolen, scrapped or copied (basically Content Theives) your work or taken credit to work/content which you Originally Own.

For the first time I am writing some offbeat blog article, it's my request to all of my reader's to hold your breath and read this classic article till end! You must be wondering why I decided to blog about such a small issue which is not a small one instead we need to spread and educate people not to get involved in Content Scraping.

I don't wanted to waste my own and my reader's time, but since I knew there are many Online Marketer & SEO Professionals across the country who religiously follow and read my blog, it will be worth sharing my latest experience with you all. I have been victim of such nuisance many time's before where people steal, copy, scrap my resume,  my work and showed to world as they own it (I knew how to deal with all such Content Scrapper's & Content Theives).

Wondering about

UPDATE  09/09/2010 -  Google has a separate "AbuseIAm" team responsible for identifying & removing abusive content on Google properties.

I use to cross check my blog traffic regularly and often visit those website links which shows at my analytics account to keep track of conversation's why my blog link is included there. I am sure everyone does the same:-)

Photo Credit

Well surprisingly few days ago I noticed a visit from very un-usual link "" which was showing at my Google Analytics Account.

The word "Abuseiam" on a Google domain was something which caught my attention. I had never noticed the visit from such link, but all of a sudden 2 visits in row on consecutive days made me puzzled. Immediately I Googled about it, tried to research about "". Stumbled across Google Webmaster Forum where few people also experienced the same, but there were no concrete answer about what all is "Abuseiam".