Hans Christian Ørsted - Google Celebrates Hans Christian Ørsted Birthday

Hans Christian Ørsted Birthday Logo at Google Search Home Page on 14th August, 2009

Hans Christian Ørsted Information Source Wikipedia

Hans Christian Ørsted (14 August 1777 – 9 March 1851) was a Danish physicist and chemist who is best known for discovering that electric currents can create magnetic fields, which is an important part of electromagnetism. He shaped post-Kantian philosophy and advances in science throughout the late 19th century.[1]

Perseid Meteor Shower - Google Displays Perseid Meteor Logo on 12th August, 2009

Google Displays Perseid Meteor Logo at it's Search Home Page 0n 12th August, 2009

Perseid Meteor Shower 2009
Perseids Meteor Information Source Wikipedia
The Perseids (pronounced /ˈpɜrsiː.ɨdz/ us dict: pûr′·sē·ĭdz) are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Perseids got its name because of its point of origin, which is called the radiant that lies in the constellation Perseus. Meteor showers occur when Earth moves through a meteor stream.

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