Google New Favicon - Google got new favicon in January 2009

Have you noticed changed favicon image in your browser (Mozilla) while opening; Don't be puzzled or surprised or think there is some fault in your web browser.

Google made a change to it's Favicon Image on 09th January, 2009 atleast I noticed this day.

The new Google favicon image, 2009
Google New FaviconNew Google Favicon Image can be found at

Here is the old favicon image which was implemented in 2008
Google Old FaviconOld Google Favicon Image can be found at

If you want to check all of Google's favicon update, Visit or subscribe to TopRankSEOBlog RSS feed.

Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008 by Tamar Weinberg

No need to look around, hopping from one website to another in search of best blog posts and resource on Internet Marketing topics.

Tamar Weinberg of has already taken the pain of compiling & publishing "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008" from all round.

All such blog website posts included in the list of "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008" will be useful and range from beginner to advanced with a greater emphasis on the more intermediate posts. If you’re starting your Internet Marketing business with not much know-how, you can't miss to read compilation of Best Internet Marketing Posts for 2007 by Tamar; according to her, you will find most of them still relevant and upto date.

In her "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008" she has covered each & every topic of online marketing publishing best post for all of us. I personally thanks her for all of effort and sleepless nights spent.

Collection of "Best Internet Marketing Posts - 2008" has been grouped into different categories and written short descriptions on each post. Click to read best posts of 2008

Tamar Weinberg comprehensive list is categorized into topics covering best posts on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media: Generic Strategy, Social Media: Strategy for Social Sites,,,,, Wikipedia, StumbleUpon, Fark, Facebook, delicious, Flickr, FriendFeed, Blogging, Viral Marketing, Link Building, Reputation Management, Google Analytics, Personal Branding, Google Yahoo & MSN Local Search, Content Development, Web Development, Affiliate Marketing, Domains and Domaining, AdWords/PPC, Internet Marketing, General Marketing and last but not least Best of Techipedia 2008

The full list is a great list for inspiration and will be great read to all of us. You can bookmark her post which will be useful in future too. It's Tamar gift to the online community on her Birthday.

How to get recurring Visitors to your Website

While most webmasters concentrate on getting visitors to their websites, smart website owners concentrate on getting visitors to come back again and again, developing an audience who has passion and interest in their website and product.

Here are 5 ways to get your website visitors coming back for more:
  1. Start a Blog – Blog about things going on in your industry, new products and sales. Get involved with other bloggers in your niches, and encourage new visitors to sign up for your RSS feed.
  2. Email – You are capturing your visitors email address, right? Let subscribers know about new deals, new content and new products that they may be interested in. Create special coupons only for email customers to encourage visitors to sign up.
  3. Content – Create compelling content (Video, Music or Articles) that brings visitors back for more. Even though it may not be your main product, sticky content will bring back visitors to your site and eventually turn them into buyers.
  4. Twitter – Twitter is a micro blogging platform that is very popular right now. By letting visitors who have already subscribed to your Twitter feed, you can let them know about new content on your website. Since they subscribed, it's obvious they want to be informed of what's going on your site.
  5. Break Content into Parts – If you've developed compelling content, try breaking it into a series. For example, a video can be broken into 2 or 3 chapters and shown over the course of a few days or a week, in order to keep visitors interested and coming back for more.
Guest Author Profile:
This article was contributed by Maya Richard, who writes on the subject of Comcast deals. Maya Richard invites your feedback at mayarichard at gmail dot com