KNOL is Open to Everyone - Google has officially Launched KNOL.

Few months ago Google has announced that they were working on a new product called KNOL.

KNOL is a shortform derive from KNOWLEDGE.Knols basically are authoritative articles about specific topics, written by people who know about those subjects.

The web contains vast amounts of information, but not everything worth knowing is on the web. An enormous amount of information resides in people's heads: millions of people know useful things and billions more could benefit from that knowledge.

Knol will encourage these people to contribute their knowledge online and make it accessible to everyone. Google has officially launched the KNOL on 23rd July, 2008 and is now available to everyone.

You can find article and topics on every subject at KNOL -

KNOL is definately going to be succesfull product from GOOGLE which is somewhat similar to Wikipedia.
Official Google Blog: Knol is open to everyone


Afzal Khan
Search Engine Marketing Professional, Blow owner Top Rank SEO Blog

Google Ranking Algorithm - Technologies behind Google Ranking Explained

Amit Singhal, Google Fellow explained the Official Google Blog: Technologies behind Google ranking in his latest post published on 16th July, 2008 at Official Google Blog

Amit reveals the core technology in Google ranking system comes from the academic field of Information Retrieval (IR).

Google Ranking Algorithm consider various aspects over web page before awarding any ranking for those website URL looking over heavily on below:-

Understanding pages
Understanding queries
Understanding users

At the end of his article he also mention the latest advance that Google Ranking Team made in search is Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR).

CLIR allows users to first discover information that is not in their language, and then using Google's translation technology, we make this information accessible. I call this advance: give me what I want in any language.

Don't miss to read more at Official Google Blog: Technologies behind Google ranking

Marc Chagall - Google Displays Marc Chagall Logo - Marc Chagall Birthdays on Top Rank SEO Blog

Marc Chagall - Google Displays Marc Chagall Logo - Marc Chagall Birthdays on Top Rank SEO Blog - by Afzal Khan

Google Celebrates Marc Chagall birthday and displays it on his Search Home Page as on 7th July, 2008, So here comes Google new logo in honor's to Marc Chagall - the great artist’s Birthday.


Birth name: Moishe Shagal
Born Date: July 7, 1887
Liozna, Russian Empire (now in Belarus)
Died: March 28, 1985 (aged 97)
Saint-Paul de Vence, France
Nationality: Russian-French
Field: Painting
Training: St. Petersburg Society of Art Supporters, Zvantseva School of Drawing and Painting
Works: See List of Chagall's artwork

Marc Chagall as photographed in 1941 by Carl Van Vechten

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia about Marc Chagall - Biography
Marc Chagall was born Moishe Shagal (Shagal is a dialectal, North-Eastern Yiddish variant of the surname "Segal"); his name was rendered in the Russian language as Mark Zakharovich Shagalov. Chagall was born in Liozno, near Vitebsk, Belarus, the eldest of nine children in the close-knit Jewish family led by his father Khatskl (Zakhar) Shagal, a herring merchant, and his mother, Feige-Ite. This period of his life, described as happy though impoverished, appears in references throughout Chagall's work. Currently the Shagal's house on Pokrovskaya Street in Vitebsk is restored as part of the Marc Chagall's Museum.[1]

Some of Marc Chagall Painting's:

After he began studying painting in 1906 under famed local artist Yehuda Pen, Chagall moved to St. Petersburg some months later, in 1907. There he joined the school of the "Society of Art Supporters" and studied under Nikolai Roerich, encountering artists of every school and style. From 1908-1910 Chagall studied under Leon Bakst at the Zvantseva School of Drawing and Painting.

Click here to read more about Marc Chagall at Wikipedia

Continuing Google's new innovative way of displaying logo based on special event's for particular day. Previously we have seen Google honoring "Theodore Harold Maiman", "Walter Gropius", "Sir Edmund Hillary" logo's adding to this we have now "Marc Chagall" logo's.

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Afzal Khan – Search Engine Marketing Professional