Marc Chagall - Google Displays Marc Chagall Logo - Marc Chagall Birthdays on Top Rank SEO Blog

Marc Chagall - Google Displays Marc Chagall Logo - Marc Chagall Birthdays on Top Rank SEO Blog - by Afzal Khan

Google Celebrates Marc Chagall birthday and displays it on his Search Home Page as on 7th July, 2008, So here comes Google new logo in honor's to Marc Chagall - the great artist’s Birthday.


Birth name: Moishe Shagal
Born Date: July 7, 1887
Liozna, Russian Empire (now in Belarus)
Died: March 28, 1985 (aged 97)
Saint-Paul de Vence, France
Nationality: Russian-French
Field: Painting
Training: St. Petersburg Society of Art Supporters, Zvantseva School of Drawing and Painting
Works: See List of Chagall's artwork

Marc Chagall as photographed in 1941 by Carl Van Vechten

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia about Marc Chagall - Biography
Marc Chagall was born Moishe Shagal (Shagal is a dialectal, North-Eastern Yiddish variant of the surname "Segal"); his name was rendered in the Russian language as Mark Zakharovich Shagalov. Chagall was born in Liozno, near Vitebsk, Belarus, the eldest of nine children in the close-knit Jewish family led by his father Khatskl (Zakhar) Shagal, a herring merchant, and his mother, Feige-Ite. This period of his life, described as happy though impoverished, appears in references throughout Chagall's work. Currently the Shagal's house on Pokrovskaya Street in Vitebsk is restored as part of the Marc Chagall's Museum.[1]

Some of Marc Chagall Painting's:

After he began studying painting in 1906 under famed local artist Yehuda Pen, Chagall moved to St. Petersburg some months later, in 1907. There he joined the school of the "Society of Art Supporters" and studied under Nikolai Roerich, encountering artists of every school and style. From 1908-1910 Chagall studied under Leon Bakst at the Zvantseva School of Drawing and Painting.

Click here to read more about Marc Chagall at Wikipedia

Continuing Google's new innovative way of displaying logo based on special event's for particular day. Previously we have seen Google honoring "Theodore Harold Maiman", "Walter Gropius", "Sir Edmund Hillary" logo's adding to this we have now "Marc Chagall" logo's.

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Afzal Khan – Search Engine Marketing Professional

Interactive Marketing – What, Where, When to use Interactive Marketing

Whenever I heard this term “Interactive Marketing”, it always create buzz over my head. So I thought it’s good to write over this topic. What marketer’s has to say about this another aspect of Marketing?

On doing Google search for this term I land on to some good Blogs, which definitely influenced their users and shows the interactive aspects over their website/Blogs.

If someone ask me about “What is Interactive” I would say it’s like something which is capable of acting on or influencing two way communication or “a term that describes the mode of transaction with a particular information service.” (Define: interactive)

People always debate on marketing topics, to some marketing means getting sales, for some marketing is doing promotions & advertising, for few marketing is a way to create Brand.

If we look Marketing in detail it involve all such aspects that are Sales, Promotion & Advertising, PR (Press & Public Release) Offline/Online all are integral part of Marketing. Marketing actually covers everything from company culture and positioning, through market research, new business/product development, advertising and promotion, PR (public/press relations), and arguably all whether you are targeting offline or online customer...

Interactive Marketing is also a part of your marketing strategy efforts; if you are planning to target customer’s online. Interactive Marketing is a practice where you care to respond user’s views and plan your strategy in that direction. Interactive Marketing makes it possible to get instant & live feedback from your user, offers lively environment to overcome product deficiencies. You need to listen for customer reaction in Interactive Marketing.

So if you are planning to make your website Interactive, listen for what your readers & Customer has to Say!

Don’t ever ignore them! If you really want to mark you’re presences online by employing interactive marketing tools.

Many of us for research work land to Wikipedia, me too explored Wiki where they define Interactive Marketing as below, hope it will be more useful than my blog post J

Source: WikiPedia

“Interactive Marketing refers to the evolving trend in marketing whereby marketing has moved from a transaction-based effort to a conversation. The definition of interactive marketing comes from John Deighton at Harvard, who says interactive marketing is the ability to address the customer, remember what the customer says and address the customer again in a way that illustrates that we remember what the customer has told us (Deighton 1996). Interactive marketing is not synonymous with online marketing, although interactive marketing processes are facilitated by internet technology. The ability to remember what the customer has said is made easier when we can collect customer information online and we can communicate with our customer more easily using the speed of the internet. is an excellent example of the use of interactive marketing, as customers record their preferences and are shown book selections that match not only their preferences but recent purchases.”


Afzal Khan (aka “Afzee”)

Effective Business Blog: Encourage sharing knowledge using Blog Platform.

Effective Business Blog: Encourage sharing knowledge using Blog Platform.

With emergence of Internet people are always fantasized to use it as ultimate tool to target and promote their business services. Study reveals in recent past many people turned on to search over Internet as their final destination source to find information or any of knowledge based requirements.

Corporate Companies launched their website, showcasing their services, case studies, expertise, core business offerings and many more. Many companies realized the importance of getting ranked in Top Search results and till date every one is trying hard in this direction. Search Engines like Google, Yahoo played messenger role in serving information to end-user by their search facility.

My post out here is asking to Major Companies (IT & Software Industry, Telecommunication, Banking & Financial Industries, Airlines, Hotels, Automobiles etc.), have they realized the potential of blogging. Can you see the Future of Blogging to help your Business?

To my knowledge many companies has realized the importance of Blogging, they had incorporated this (some are successful), but what about those who aren’t able to remark Success or yet not implemented the Culture of Blogging within their Organization.

You need to plan this in better way to make your blog successful. Start identifying your Employee’s who possess useful knowledge and encourage them to share their expertise & skills using your Company blog.

Your Company Business Blog can serve as good resource of information; it will make your offerings discoverable. There are billions of people who can benefit from your Blog.

Moreover your Company Blog will help you to stay in touch with what online readers want, and to know what your target customers struggle with and desire the most.

Rapidly things are changing in business world, globally and technologically. If you know what your customers want will help you to respond more quickly to market demands irrespective of size of you Business.

Business blogging is the best & effective way to get in touch with the people you depend upon to stay in business: your customers and clients.


Afzal Khan

Search Engine Marketing Expert, Professional Indian Blogger

In my next post I’ll discuss about Why Company’s failed Blogging even after launching their Blogs. Next blog post will cover all such issues that make Blogging easy within your organization identifying both technical & marketing point of view. Don’t forget to subscribe for RSS feed to get latest blog post updates.