Article Submitter Review

While article submission isn't anything shockingly new to the world of SEO, many people STILL don't do it... and for good reason. It takes so incredibly long to do manually.

I'll admit, I had tried article submission at one point, but after I finally found a few article directories to submit my articles to, and then after manually copying and pasting my information into the required text boxes on each submission site, I quickly realized that my time could be better spent doing something else.

Then I came across a free program created by Brad Callen and Bryxen Software, Inc. that allows you to automatically submit your articles to hundreds of article directories with a few mouse clicks. Basically all I had to do was input my article criteria into the software, ONCE! Then, the program would automatically fill in all of the required data at each of the submission websites. Pretty incredible if you ask me.

The only part I didn't understand was why the program is free...but I can't argue with that I suppose.

The software currently contains around 700 article directories, all free to submit your articles to. It is the most straightforward program that we've come across, in that all you need to do is:

1. Input your article details (i.e. title, article body, bio, etc.) into the software

2.Click on the directory you want to submit to

And then the program will automatically fill in your article details. Then, you simply click the submit button and your article is instantly submitted to the directory. Then, you can move to the next directory, go through the list, and by the time you're finished you'll have roughly 700 one way links pointing to your website.

I can't think of an easier way to get links. Of course, if you're going to get links this quickly, it's important to submit different variations of your articles, to make things look more natural to the search engines.

You can do this very easily via Article Submitter when you create your project in the beginning.

The software is constantly being updated and their is an incredible community of users established that all work together to make the software better and better, so you know you're getting great value for the money.

To check out the software, go here:

How Twitter Works - Learn all about how to use Twitter

How Twitter Works

So how Twitter works it's always a question for new users, even it was the same with when I started.

With patience & my eagerness toward learning new technologies I explored Twitter and it's features to use it at max. It's an real cool tool to use. The time when I started twittering there were not manypeople were using this tool, but goodness Twitter has already created buzz across marketing professionals and bloggers.

Every one is talking about Twitter, I guess you have also received such newsletter'swhere social marketer's and industry professional are talking about how to leverage Twitter technology, and to my belief after Google (the search giant), Twitter-instant online message updates giant (TOMU aka Twitter - Online Message Updating) is favorite of everyone now a days.

I was about to start blog post "How Twitter Works" and see the Twit Magic Works, I found many other guys have already taken the pain of writing about this.

If you are also struggling about Twitter & want to learn "How Twitter Work" do check the detailed article written by Jonathan Strickland at

Here is what you can learn from this Article:-
"How Twitter Works " by Jonathan Strickland

Inside This Article
1. Introduction to How Twitter Works
2. What are Tweets?
3. Twitter's API
4. Twitter on Your Cell Phone
5. Lots More Information

Have Fun & enjoy reading. Do comment and share your views


Afzal Khan

Twitter - Made Century of Follower's tonight - Twitter@Saraswati

NOTE: I am dedicating this post to my Follower number 100 at - SARASWATI (I promised to write blog post whoever will be the Century follower:-)

Twitter - Made Century of Follower's tonight - Twitter@Saraswati

Before Starting let me share some thought's of mine about Twitter

Web Defination of
Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.

Twitter....Twitter.........and........Twitter- What a Tool ~~

It's almost 9-10 months when I found Twitter and from that particular day (i don't remember date, may be need to check the first update from twitter log) my whole online activities has been updated about...What I am Doing, Am I writing blog post or reading articles or working for blah...blah whatever task I was doing is Twitted.

Twitter has become one of my daily activities, I can skip having morning tea but Twittering never nor it happen even a single day (except when I am having no internet connectivity) even though at back of my mind always there a thought of twitting this activity.

Twitter has revolutanized the way & my life, given me opportunity to follow like minded people, mentor's, make new contacts and most important to view what other people are talking about.

I can say that Twit it every thing while you are at work, blogging or doing nothing, it's Fun always to update with What I am doing?

So you do wanna Twit...go ahead & feel the pleasure, You can catch me at & if you feel you can follow me too, so that I will also get the opportunity of Twitting with you.

I have made a blog dedicated for Indian Twitter's - A comprehnesive Blog directory dedicated to all Indian Twitter's. Do you Twit & want to be part of this Community visit

Well till now was all what I want to say about Twitter in nutshell.

Saraswati - Follower number 100 at

So here I go About Saraswati.......It's better let her describe about herself although I came to know about her today few minutes ago only....

Saraswati in her word's - You can visit her website too

Let me try telling you something about me. I landed on this earth 45 years ago in the CITY Of JOY - Kolkata, the capital city of West Bengal, a state in Eastern India. I completed my education there; I was also an active participant in sporting events, especially, in the field events.
After finishing my studies, I worked for Multinationals in various Senior Management positions. Around 1998, these jobs were becoming monotonous and stereotype for me and I decided to give up work and start teaching. After all, what have I studied for!

Sharing (not imposing!) knowledge gives me great pleasure and self-satisfaction. At present, my students vary from 11 years to 21 years; I love them and love being with them; there is so much to learn from them (it is truly said that learning is a never-ending process). During these past 10 years, I have become very well-read, well-versed, well-informed on any subject under the sun.

I never say, “I like this subject; I don’t like that subject”. Believe me, every subject, in its own sphere, is a great contributor to the world of knowledge.

With a view to share with the world whatever I know and have experienced, I have started this website in February 2008 and hope to surge ahead with good wishes from all of you.

Location: New Delhi, India
Bio: A simpleton, down-to-earth person who wants to do something worth-a-while for the society.

Good Luck Folks, see @ Twitter.
Afzal Khan
Online Marketing Professional