Linkedin India Wishes Happy Diwali & a Prosperous New Year

In honor of Diwali and advance New Year Wishes, LinkedIn has changed their usual home page into a greeting page viewable to Indian user's only. On new Linkedin Main page they display's the picture of their employees with a message "Happy Diwali and a prosperous new year!"

Linkedin Diwali Greetings Home Page Below:-

Deep Nishar, VP of Product and User Experience at LinkedIn, and wife Rashmi Nishar
Swasti Sharma, Quality Assurance Engineer at LinkedIn
Neha Desai, Senior Quality Engineer at LinkedIn, and family

DJ Patil, Senior Director Product Analytics at LinkedIn, and family
Lalith Kancharla, Quality Assurance Engineer at LinkedIn, and Lakshmi
Ramesh Subramonian, Senior Quality Assurance at LinkedIn, and puppy

There's more of Linkedin Employees Picture posted in a album at Linkedin Home Page. Check them out and Belated Diwali wishes and advanced New Year Wishes from

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Google X-Rays Logo Celebrates 115th Anniversary of the Discovery of X-rays

Google X-Rays Logo Celebrates 115th Anniversary of the Discovery of X-rays on 08th November, 2010. Google show's the X-rays logo at their SERP's.

X-ray - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:-

X-radiation (composed of X-rays) is a form of electromagnetic radiation. X-rays have a wavelength in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz (3 × 1016 Hz to 3 × 1019 Hz) and energies in the range 120 eV to 120 keV. They are shorter in wavelength than UV rays and longer than gamma rays. In many languages, X-radiation is called Röntgen radiation, after Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who is generally credited as their discoverer, and who had named them X-rays to signify an unknown type of radiation.

Correct spelling of X-ray(s) in the English language includes the variants x-ray(s) and X ray(s). XRAY is used as the phonetic pronunciation for the letter x.

X-rays from about 0.12 to 12 keV (10 to 0.10 nm wavelength) are classified as "soft" X-rays, and from about 12 to 120 keV (0.10 to 0.01 nm wavelength) as "hard" X-rays, due to their penetrating abilities.

Check out Google Search Home Page Logo's on previous occasions and get full information on when, why Google displayed different logos at their Home Page (GOOGLE.COM)

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Google New Highlight Feature: Shows Organic SERP Results look disctinctive with Colored Blue Shaded Box

Google New Highlight Feature: Shows Organic SERP Results look disctinctive with Colored Blue Shaded Box & Website Thumbshot Preview

I was excited and thrilled to be first to blog about Google's new highlight and website thumbnail preview feature at Search Engine Result Page's. I shared this with many of my friend's, but to my strange it's not showing up in many countries/data center's. Probably Google has rolled out it on few selected Data Center's and as always after some testing/feedback's they will push it across all of their data center's. So those who are not seeing it now, get ready to explore it in next few days.

The new feature which Google has introduced at organic SERP's is a new highlight feature to each and every single website listings at organic results. The new Google search engine result page's are shown under a Blue rectangle box with a site preview thumbnail snapshot picture. The new SERP's look's entirely different and it's more interactive and soothing to eye's. has also included such similar feature's and I believe it's Google reply to Bing Feature's. By including a thumbnail preview Google is really edging over Bing in terms of making searcher's experience better.

Google's new website thumbnail preview pic feature is based on a website which I optimized almost 5 years ago, the site was and they were into visual search technology allowing the thumb pic's of website
(Girafa visual search technology allows users to view thumbnail images or pictures of websites listed next to textual links on search result pages).

I am glad to see the project on which I had worked before has been introduced by Google too. It's a big breakthrough for user's with a extra-ordinary experience.

What do you think about Google's this new feature and what's your experience do share your view's/feedback in comment box below. If you also seeing the same, please do share :-)

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Social news site Propeller is now fully owned and acquired by AOL News. Earlier it was operated by Netscape Communications and AOL Inc.

The concept of Propeller first started on  The propeller idea was led by Jason Calacanis.  Jason Calacanis hired several top users from Digg, Reddit, Flickr, and Newsvine to drive the top stories on using the Propeller as a channel. Now it's no longer available.

Latest Original & Breaking Goodbye-Propeller News & Analysis from AOL News
I was using the from last many years and was member since last 3 years. Webcache of my propeller account "Afzee" It's weired has been taken down without any intimation or email communication to it's user's. All of sudden on October 1st, 2010 it says the Propeller will no longer be active. It's Good-Bye to Propeller and probably user will now make a shift to much better Social media site's like, and etc.

The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Propeller is a social news aggregator operated by AOL-Netscape. It is similar to Digg; users can vote for which stories are to be included on the front page and may comment on them as well. As of October 1st, 2010, Propeller will no longer be active.

The Chief Architect of the site was Brian Alvey and the lead developer of the site was Alex Rudolff . It was maintained by Weblogs, Inc. CEO Jason Calacanis until he left AOL in November 2006. The current director is Tom Drapeau. Netscape's market share had been declining for over a year at the time of the change-over.

Propeller was hosted on the domain from June 2006 to September 2007 when it was replaced by the AOL Netscape generic portal.

The previous version of Propeller was released to mixed reactions. Some users liked that they had more participation ability while others found the pages to be harder to navigate and not as structured. Soon after the release of the new site, a story entitled "Netscape's Blunder" was the top rated story.

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The Flintstones as Google Logo, Google Celebrates Flintstones 50th Anniversary

Google Celebrates 50th Anniversary of "The Flintstones" -  Flintstones Doodle Google Logo as on 30th September, 2010 (09/30/2010)

The Flintsontes - Google Doodle Logo

The Flintstones - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Flintstones is an animated American television sitcom that ran from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 on ABC. Produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, The Flintstones is about a working class Stone Age man's life with his family and his next door neighbor and best friend. It has since been re-released on both DVD and VHS.

Google Reveals Google Bot Picture - Google Search Engine Crawler ,Spider Image Pic

I hope you all must have remember on March 05, 2008 Google present's the image of their GoogleBot First Date with the Google Bot

Here's how "GoogleBot" aka "Google Crawler" aka "Google Spider" picture looks like Google shared with the Online World!

  Name/User-Agent: Googlebot
googlebot with flowers

GoogleBot Introduction from GOOGLE

Googlebot -- What a dreamboat. It's like he knows us, and soul.  He's probably not looking for anything exclusive; he sees billions of other sites (though we share our data with other bots as well :), but tonight we'll really get to know each other as website and crawler.

Google Bot Previous Raw Image Picture, Google today announced Google Crawler real image displayed below.

Google Celebrates 12th Birthday With New Doodle - Google's 12th Birthday Logo

Google Celebrates it's 12th Birthday With it's New Doodle aka Google's 12th Birthday Logo as on 27th September, 2010 (09/27/2010)

Many Many Best Wishes "Happy Birthday" to search engine giant GOOGLE on it's 12th successive year - We all should thank Google for making our online life simpler, organized, beautiful, informative and for sharing so many great website's/product's all for FREE to the world!

Happy Birthday Google - 12th B'day on 27th Sep, 2010
Check out today and you will notice Google Universal Logo converted into a Birthday Cake (loooking not so much delicious :-) with a single candle, I think they should get 12 candles for celebrating their 12th birth anniversary atleast to the logo image.

Anyways, the alternate text to Google 12th Birthday Logo Image say's "Happy 12th Birthday Google by Wayne Thiebaud. Image used with permission of VAGA NY."

Dear Mr. Amar Sontakke - So Called SEO Professional from Pune, India

UPDATE: "I got in touch with Mr Sujay Pawar at Facebook who is Head Business at the organisation where Amar Sontakke works, I had informed Sujay about this plagiarism issue where he has promised me to look into this matter personally and make sure to let Amar realize how serious plagiarism issue is. 

After my conversation with Sujay, Amar Sontakke has taken down all copied content....Thanks Sujay :-)

I would like to extend my thanks to all folks who contributed and helped me to spread words about this issue. It was just an small incident, but I'll keep continue educate people on how serious plagiarism & content scrapping is. We have to create a better World!"

An Open Letter to Mr. Amar Sontakke "So Called" SEO Professional a Content Scrapper from Pune, India with just 9-10 months SEO experience with no existence or evidence of his SEO work ever before 2010
Are you stealing my shit
Image Source: Photobucket

This article is not all by any means intend to hurt any individual's sentiments or discourage them morally, personally or professionally. I thought it would be worth sharing because many of you have also faced such situation in your professional life where some anonymous person has stolen, scrapped or copied (basically Content Theives) your work or taken credit to work/content which you Originally Own.

For the first time I am writing some offbeat blog article, it's my request to all of my reader's to hold your breath and read this classic article till end! You must be wondering why I decided to blog about such a small issue which is not a small one instead we need to spread and educate people not to get involved in Content Scraping.

I don't wanted to waste my own and my reader's time, but since I knew there are many Online Marketer & SEO Professionals across the country who religiously follow and read my blog, it will be worth sharing my latest experience with you all. I have been victim of such nuisance many time's before where people steal, copy, scrap my resume,  my work and showed to world as they own it (I knew how to deal with all such Content Scrapper's & Content Theives).

Wondering about

UPDATE  09/09/2010 -  Google has a separate "AbuseIAm" team responsible for identifying & removing abusive content on Google properties.

I use to cross check my blog traffic regularly and often visit those website links which shows at my analytics account to keep track of conversation's why my blog link is included there. I am sure everyone does the same:-)

Photo Credit

Well surprisingly few days ago I noticed a visit from very un-usual link "" which was showing at my Google Analytics Account.

The word "Abuseiam" on a Google domain was something which caught my attention. I had never noticed the visit from such link, but all of a sudden 2 visits in row on consecutive days made me puzzled. Immediately I Googled about it, tried to research about "". Stumbled across Google Webmaster Forum where few people also experienced the same, but there were no concrete answer about what all is "Abuseiam".

Bruce Clay SEO Training Seminar Pic's at Gurgaon, India

Bruce Clay Advanced SEO Training, SEO Toolset Training Seminar Picture's

Bruce Clay, global Internet Marketing Guru was on his first visit to India on August 3rd to 5th, 2010 to conduct an exclusive 3 day SEO Training programme at The Palms Town & Country Club in Gurgaon.

I was fortunate to have had opportunity to attend Bruce Clay's first SEO training course in Gurgaon, India. Sharing with pictures which I clicked on the last day of SEO course. It was a great experience meeting Bruce Clay personally and to get deep insight on advanced SEO techniques.