What? Are you an SEO Expert

So What you know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Here's the SEOMoz Quiz Test Results which I went through today 0n 21st January, 2010 at 20:30 hours. Well the story behind undergoing SEOmoz test is, I was feeling bored while working, eventually I thought to check Google rankings for my site for some of my optimized keywords. Obviously "SEO Expert" is the keyword for which every SEO Company, Professional wants to get ranked and found in Google top-10 positions.

Here's also another story to share with, actually my site/blog's are already in Google Top-10 results for many of keywords out of them one is "Search Engine Marketing Professional", last night I did some re-optimization and made tweak's in meta tag's for www.afzalkhan.org Home Page to target SEO Expert, Google SEO Experts and all such keyword phrases replacing my already ranking keywords Search Engine Marketing Professional, Online Marketing Professional & Internet Marketing Experts etc. It's basic the rankings for my earlier keywords will drop, and to measure it's effects, to calculate the positioning for newly optimized keywords at Google I was going through Google spider/bot activity and to take a note of last Google cached results of my website. I jumped to check currently ranking websites for "SEO Expert" keyword and during that I found SEOmoz SEO quiz page at Google top-10 listings.

Difference between White Hat SEO & Black Hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

I knew it's out of the box topic, but it will be a good learning for webmaster's and people jumped newly into SEO sea, so what's the difference between White Hat and Black Hat SEO. I thought it will be good to share with all TopRankSEO blog readers on what exactly is the difference between White Hat SEO practices and Black Hat SEO practice.

Image Source: Webmartllc.com
Well being myself in Search Engine Optimization industry from last 8-9 year's I am very well versed and aware of it, but it will be interesting read to all those who are fascinated about SEO and learning Search Engine Optimization techniques.

Basically Black Hat SEO's are those who works and implement SEO strategies which are against Search Engine guidelines and rules.

The sole purpose of Black Hat's is to gain instant Search Engine rankings and traffic using manipulative methods, using shady SEO techniques which are  against of Search Engine's (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc) Terms of service.

Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009 by Tamar Weinberg

No need to look around, hopping from one website to another in search of best blog posts and resource on Internet Marketing topics.

Tamar Weinberg of Techipedia.com has already taken the pain of compiling & publishing "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009" from all round.

All such blog website posts included in the list of "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009" will be useful and range from beginner to advanced with a greater emphasis on the more intermediate posts. If you’re starting your Internet Marketing business with not much know-how, you can't miss to read compilation of Best Internet Marketing Posts for 2008, Best Internet Marketing Posts for 2007 by Tamar; according to her, you will find most of them still relevant and upto date.

Happy New Year 2010

“We will open the new book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.”

Image Source Allproactive.com

TopRankSEO Blog Team wishes "Happy New Year 2010" to all of our reader's. Hope to continue the same spirit, dedication year ahead and wish to have a more productive 2010.

Google Holiday Logos 2009

Google Holiday Logos for 2009 - It's holiday time and everyone is busy with holiday shopping, buying gifts, sending holiday greetings and messages to near and dear one's.

Here's the Holiday Logo which Google is displaying at Google Search Home Page.

Do check out more Holiday Logo's from Google out here

World AIDS Day 2009 - Twitter turned into RED to help AIDS Day

1 DEC is World AIDS day. Twitter is supporting World AIDS day cause by turning into RED. Follow @JoinRED to support World AIDS Day.

World AIDS Day - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It is common to hold memorials to honor persons who have died from HIV/AIDS on this day. Government and health officials also observe the event, often with speeches or forums on the AIDS topics. Since 1995, the President of the United States has made an official proclamation on World AIDS Day. Governments of other nations have followed suit and issued similar announcements.

Google Caffeine going Live - Caffeine SERP's get ready to experience it

Google Caffeine Going Live
Google Caffeine when announced first back in August created the strong buzz among Online community, SEO folks, website owner's and many people started comparing their rankings with Caffeine and Universal Search. Too some Google Caffeine results were exciting and too many they didn't experienced much changes, but all were on same page regarding Caffeine quick, faster and accurate results, also the crawling were increased to much larger extent with relevant results.

Google made the Caffeine available to Power Searches and all other people till today at http://www2.sandbox.google.com/

Today I found Google Caffeine says:-
"We appreciate all the feedback from people who searched on our Caffeine sandbox.

Lovingtech.net - Webmaster & Tech Forum Review

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from one of my Blog reader asking about any good webmaster forums in my knowledge which I would recommend him to join.

On drilling down his email further I figured out he got frustrated of being member to many of known webmaster and technology forum's. He just want to concentrate and get active on limited but informative forum's. It's all about quality information online not quantity.

Lovingtech.net Forum Logo
I think we all look for same, being a Online Marketer I do want to utilize my limited time getting involved on useful webmaster forum's. Certainly maximum percentage of online user's are wasting there time on worthless site or forum's, that's what make them frustrated or divert their interest's to look for another new source online.

Top 20 SEO Blog's which are on my SEO RSS Radar

Searching to get latest update's and news from SEO industry to be on top of everything. Everyone loves to be pioneer in their niche industry. Being an SEO Expert I too love to keep myself up to date on what all are is happening in Search Industry.
Image Source: Chocopars.com

Do I Google every-time to find new advancement and latest news in SEO, not much instead I have subscribed to limited, but very good SEO Blog's whom I admire reading. I love the content which they publish, quality write up's from all these blog's are well-renowned Blog Author's whom I can trust.

So if you are beginner in SEO or a SEO Guru or in between, don't waste time hopping from one website to another. Subscribe to below list of Top 20 SEO Blog's which are on my SEO RSS Radar, I used to read.

Google Sitelink - What are Google Sitelinks & How to control which Links to show at SERP's

Have you ever noticed some additional links shown at Google Organic Search Results while you searched for something on Google. You will find Google will show sub-pages/URL's along with main domain for top ranking website.

Sitelinks are these additional links which Google show's at search engine result page's for #1 ranking website, while many times Google also shows Sitelinks for top-10 ranking websites.

Google Sitelinks

Above screenshot show's how Google show's website sitelinks, I believe all those who were not aware now knows what are Sitelinks and how it shows at Google. It is important for you to try get your website internal page's get picked by Google and displayed as Sitelinks by making your website navigation user and crawler friendly.