Social Media Experiment - Twitter follow or Un follow by Sampad Swain

Social Media Experiment: How online behavior can reduce Twitter noise By Sampad Swain.

The post takes into account a online survey and analysis to understand 2 questions : Why people FOLLOW or UN-FOLLOW in twitter. Taking cues from the survey, Sampad has tried to understand how online behavior can be used to reduce the noise in twitter and hence increase signal/noise ratio.....Read more at

Some great insigth explained in a very simple manner & the question was: Why u *FOLLOW* or *Un-FOLLOW* someone in Twitter?

Methodology: Launched a survey on 19th May via tweets asking the same question. Till date got about 32 responses off 310/203 i.e. “Following/Followers” in Sampad Twitter profile through Twitter replies, direct messages (DM’s), emails and additional few responses came from other sources anonymously.

Findings & Conclusion
There is no doubt that there is a lot of noise in twitter due to spam messages, blog links, self-glorifying updates, blog marketing and many more ways. But from the figures above, it is very much clear that usable information will get Tweople following you whereas spam messages will put Tweople off.

You can also follow my updates on Twitter at

Google Displays Walter Gropius Building Logo - Walter Gropius Bauhaus Founder

On 16th May we have seen the "Google Laser Logo" and as of today 18th May 2008) Google is displaying Walter Gropius Building Logo on Google Search Engine Page to honor & celebrating 125th Birthday of the Great German architect, Walter Gropius.

It's intresting to check Google homepage daily and look for their logo's.

Google has started honoring & dispalying their Logo in a innovative way. On 16th May 2008 we saw "Google Laser Logo" to honor the invention of First Laser by Theodore Harold Maiman.

On 18th May 2008 Google is displaying nice architectured building logo to celebrate 125th Birthday of the Great German architect, Walter Gropius.

ABOUT Walter Gropius (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia):
Walter Adolph Georg Gropius (May 18, 1883July 5, 1969) was a German architect and founder of Bauhaus[1] who along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, is widely regarded as one of the pioneering masters of modern architecture and buildings.

Personal information
Name: Walter Adolph Gropius
Nationality: German / American
Birth date: May 18, 1883(1883-05-18)
Birth place: Berlin, Germany
Date of death: July 5, 1969 (aged 86)
Place of death: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Work Practice Name:
Peter Behrens (1908–1910)
The Architects' Collaborative (1945–1969)

Walter Gropius (circa 1920). Photo by Louis Held.

Read more at Wikipedia

Bauhaus Building

Significant buildings:

Read more at Wikipedia

I am waiting to watch which Logo Google is going to display next.

Google Laser - Google New Logo

Have you seen the Google Search Engine Logo today. You might have seen it but yet not noticed it, yes it has been changed likewise Google always does so. Everytime when there is some special cause or events like Christmas, New Year, Mother's Day, Earth Day or many other Google and other search engine always change their Logo's.

This new logo is "Google First Laser Invention Logo"

What encouraged me & given thought to publish this post is something unique about this LOGO. Previously whenever Google has changed their logo it was always inline with there basic brand identity logo like below:-

Now if you compare it with all other Google Logo's till time they sticked to the above pattern. But this time they came up with "Google Laser Logo" which rejuvenate their Brand.

Have a look at it:-

Isn't it very different from previous Logo's. If google ask me to share my view's I would say it is not that much pleasing & remarkable in comparison to previous ones.

I tried to figure out Google's Message which they might want to convey by displaying this logo. It will be Google is like "Laser Rays" which is intense, coherent, directional and very pure to penetrate and can rule any Industry.

Or Google Search Engine is like that concentrates user search beheaviour into an intense, narrow results by using their Algorithm used to destroy other search engines & un-ehtical results.

But hey wait.....Does Google care for my view's :-)

Supportive Screenshot:

Google's Search Engine ScreenShot taken on 17th May 2008 at 01:05 am (GMT +5:30)

At the age of 65 Dream to travel whole India by Bicycle.

The man with burning desire & dream to travel each and every village of India at the age of 65. Along with him, his life partner is also giving him full support.

They started their journey for a noble cause of spreading peace among fellow Indians. His mission is to spread the universal message, Peace On Earth,Peace in India to empower, uplift and awaken the Indian consciousness of our human family.

Read more about this person & spread the words to be the part of this Noble Cause.
Mission & Dream to travel whole India by Bicycle. Full story at

Article Submitter Review

While article submission isn't anything shockingly new to the world of SEO, many people STILL don't do it... and for good reason. It takes so incredibly long to do manually.

I'll admit, I had tried article submission at one point, but after I finally found a few article directories to submit my articles to, and then after manually copying and pasting my information into the required text boxes on each submission site, I quickly realized that my time could be better spent doing something else.

Then I came across a free program created by Brad Callen and Bryxen Software, Inc. that allows you to automatically submit your articles to hundreds of article directories with a few mouse clicks. Basically all I had to do was input my article criteria into the software, ONCE! Then, the program would automatically fill in all of the required data at each of the submission websites. Pretty incredible if you ask me.

The only part I didn't understand was why the program is free...but I can't argue with that I suppose.

The software currently contains around 700 article directories, all free to submit your articles to. It is the most straightforward program that we've come across, in that all you need to do is:

1. Input your article details (i.e. title, article body, bio, etc.) into the software

2.Click on the directory you want to submit to

And then the program will automatically fill in your article details. Then, you simply click the submit button and your article is instantly submitted to the directory. Then, you can move to the next directory, go through the list, and by the time you're finished you'll have roughly 700 one way links pointing to your website.

I can't think of an easier way to get links. Of course, if you're going to get links this quickly, it's important to submit different variations of your articles, to make things look more natural to the search engines.

You can do this very easily via Article Submitter when you create your project in the beginning.

The software is constantly being updated and their is an incredible community of users established that all work together to make the software better and better, so you know you're getting great value for the money.

To check out the software, go here:

How Twitter Works - Learn all about how to use Twitter

How Twitter Works

So how Twitter works it's always a question for new users, even it was the same with when I started.

With patience & my eagerness toward learning new technologies I explored Twitter and it's features to use it at max. It's an real cool tool to use. The time when I started twittering there were not manypeople were using this tool, but goodness Twitter has already created buzz across marketing professionals and bloggers.

Every one is talking about Twitter, I guess you have also received such newsletter'swhere social marketer's and industry professional are talking about how to leverage Twitter technology, and to my belief after Google (the search giant), Twitter-instant online message updates giant (TOMU aka Twitter - Online Message Updating) is favorite of everyone now a days.

I was about to start blog post "How Twitter Works" and see the Twit Magic Works, I found many other guys have already taken the pain of writing about this.

If you are also struggling about Twitter & want to learn "How Twitter Work" do check the detailed article written by Jonathan Strickland at

Here is what you can learn from this Article:-
"How Twitter Works " by Jonathan Strickland

Inside This Article
1. Introduction to How Twitter Works
2. What are Tweets?
3. Twitter's API
4. Twitter on Your Cell Phone
5. Lots More Information

Have Fun & enjoy reading. Do comment and share your views


Afzal Khan

Twitter - Made Century of Follower's tonight - Twitter@Saraswati

NOTE: I am dedicating this post to my Follower number 100 at - SARASWATI (I promised to write blog post whoever will be the Century follower:-)

Twitter - Made Century of Follower's tonight - Twitter@Saraswati

Before Starting let me share some thought's of mine about Twitter

Web Defination of
Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.

Twitter....Twitter.........and........Twitter- What a Tool ~~

It's almost 9-10 months when I found Twitter and from that particular day (i don't remember date, may be need to check the first update from twitter log) my whole online activities has been updated about...What I am Doing, Am I writing blog post or reading articles or working for blah...blah whatever task I was doing is Twitted.

Twitter has become one of my daily activities, I can skip having morning tea but Twittering never nor it happen even a single day (except when I am having no internet connectivity) even though at back of my mind always there a thought of twitting this activity.

Twitter has revolutanized the way & my life, given me opportunity to follow like minded people, mentor's, make new contacts and most important to view what other people are talking about.

I can say that Twit it every thing while you are at work, blogging or doing nothing, it's Fun always to update with What I am doing?

So you do wanna Twit...go ahead & feel the pleasure, You can catch me at & if you feel you can follow me too, so that I will also get the opportunity of Twitting with you.

I have made a blog dedicated for Indian Twitter's - A comprehnesive Blog directory dedicated to all Indian Twitter's. Do you Twit & want to be part of this Community visit

Well till now was all what I want to say about Twitter in nutshell.

Saraswati - Follower number 100 at

So here I go About Saraswati.......It's better let her describe about herself although I came to know about her today few minutes ago only....

Saraswati in her word's - You can visit her website too

Let me try telling you something about me. I landed on this earth 45 years ago in the CITY Of JOY - Kolkata, the capital city of West Bengal, a state in Eastern India. I completed my education there; I was also an active participant in sporting events, especially, in the field events.
After finishing my studies, I worked for Multinationals in various Senior Management positions. Around 1998, these jobs were becoming monotonous and stereotype for me and I decided to give up work and start teaching. After all, what have I studied for!

Sharing (not imposing!) knowledge gives me great pleasure and self-satisfaction. At present, my students vary from 11 years to 21 years; I love them and love being with them; there is so much to learn from them (it is truly said that learning is a never-ending process). During these past 10 years, I have become very well-read, well-versed, well-informed on any subject under the sun.

I never say, “I like this subject; I don’t like that subject”. Believe me, every subject, in its own sphere, is a great contributor to the world of knowledge.

With a view to share with the world whatever I know and have experienced, I have started this website in February 2008 and hope to surge ahead with good wishes from all of you.

Location: New Delhi, India
Bio: A simpleton, down-to-earth person who wants to do something worth-a-while for the society.

Good Luck Folks, see @ Twitter.
Afzal Khan
Online Marketing Professional

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

I am going to be part of this! What about You - It's Blogger's call
Together, I know we can raise awareness and prove bloggers can do good! Raise your voice as an Blogger.

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

Thanks to you, May marks the first anniversary of Bloggers Unite and this time we're launching an awareness campaign chosen by BlogCatalog members. On May 15, let's unite for human rights and make a statement that all people are born with basic rights and freedoms - life, liberty, and justice!

On May 15th 2008, let's come together and all blog about Human Rights. There are dozens and dozens of human rights issues that you can write about. The one you choose is up to you.

Topics to Consider

  • The wrongful imprisonment of journalists covering assemblies.
  • Governments that ignore the plight of citizens left tot he mercy of gangs.
  • The censorship of the Internet in order to prevent freedom of expression.
  • Harsh punishments that include torture, forced labor, and starvation.
  • Sexual assault against women by members of military or militia.

Learn More About Human Rights

There are many organizations that promote human rights and work to protect people. We've picked three to help you learn more and find breaking topics.

  • Amnesty International ( is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. They work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity.
  • Human Right Watch ( is dedicated to protecting human rights of people around the world. They stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, uphold political freedom, protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice.
  • Youth For Human Rights ( is an independent non-profit that educates people about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so they become valuable advocates for tolerance and peace.

We have an entire group discussion dedicated to Bloggers Unite ( where you can add more organizations that you think are worth including.

How To Join Bloggers Unite!

To join, simply visit the Bloggers Unite page ( to get more information. Then, on Thursday, May 15th, write a blog post that shares awareness about human rights.

Your blog post could:

  • Have the title "Bloggers Unite For Human Rights" (or some variation).
  • include an example of human rights so people can learn about it.
  • Explain the importance of human rights and how it applies to everyone.
  • Link to one of the sites we've listed or the most suitable site for your country.
  • And add a link to our BlogCatalog Community Human Rights Awareness Campaign page so we can give you and your blog credit for being part of it.

If you have any questions, please e-mail And please, don't forget to tell your friends to blog about this too. Together, I know we can raise awareness and prove bloggers can do good!

Afzal Khan
Professional Blogger - Proud Member BlogCatalog Community Human Rights Awareness Campaign

10 Ways to Empower Your Communication

Currently: Team Leader/Trainer
Interests: Internet marketing,search engines,business online & link marketing
Experience: Huntington,WV , Professional Marketer [Business marketing online trainer,educator,advertiser.] Working/Currently

10 Ways to Empower Your Communication

There is so much to know about conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go though watching talk shows; radio programs; clubs dedicated to public speaking; ordinary conversations; certain rules still apply when it comes to interaction through words. It may sound tedious, I know, but even though it's your mouth that's doing the work, your brain works twice as hard to churn out a lot of things you know. So what better way to start learning to be an effective communication is to know the very person closest to you: yourself.

1. What you know.
Education is all about learning the basics, but to be an effective speaker is to practice what you've learned. My stint as guest at every Toastmasters' meeting I go to taught me that we all have our limitations, but that doesn't mean we can't learn to keep up and share what we know.

2. Listening.
It's just as important as asking questions. Sometimes listening to the sound of our own voice can teach us to be a little bit confident with ourselves and to say the things we believe in with conviction.

3. Humility
We all make mistakes, and sometimes we tend to slur our words, stutter, and probably mispronounce certain words even though we know what it means, but rarely use it only to impress listeners. So in a group, don't be afraid to ask if you're saying the right word properly and if they're unsure about it then make a joke out of it. I promise you it'll make everyone laugh and you can get away with it as well.

4. Eye Contact
There's a lot to say when it comes to directing your attention to your audience with an eye-catching gaze. It's important that you keep your focus when talking to a large group in a meeting or a gathering, even though he or she may be gorgeous.

5. Kidding around
A little bit of humor can do wonders to lift the tension, or worse boredom when making your speech. That way, you'll get the attention of the majority of the crowd and they'll feel that you're just as approachable, and as human to those who listen.

6. Be like the rest of them
Interaction is all about mingling with other people. You'll get a lot of ideas, as well as knowing what people make them as they are.

7. Me, Myself, and I
Admit it, there are times you sing to yourself in the shower. I know I do! Listening to the sound of your own voice while you practice your speech in front of a mirror can help correct the stress areas of your pitch. And while you're at it you can spruce up as well.

8. With a smile
A smile says it all much like eye contact. There's no point on grimacing or frowning in a meeting or a gathering, unless it's a wake. You can better express what you're saying when you smile.

9. A Role Model
There must be at least one or two people in your life you have listened to when they're at a public gathering or maybe at church. Sure they read their lines, but taking a mental note of how they emphasize what they say can help you once you take center stage.

10. Preparation
Make the best out of preparation rather than just scribbling notes and often in a hurried panic. Some people like to write things down on index cards, while other resort to being a little more silly as they look at their notes written on the palm of their hand (not for clammy hands, please). Just be comfortable with what you know since you enjoy your work.

And that about wraps it up. These suggestions are rather amateurish in edgewise, but I've learned to empower myself when it comes to public or private speaking and it never hurts to be with people to listen how they make conversations and meetings far more enjoyable as well as educational.

To Your Success,
Lisa Simpkins

Read more articles from Lisa at her SiliconIndia Blog

Three Indian Americans among top drawing 200 CEOs in U.S.

Three Indian Americans among top drawing 200 CEOs in U.S.Tuesday,

April 08, 2008

New York: Three Indian Americans are among the 200 CEOs of large public companies who received an average of over $11 million compensation in 2007. Besides Indra Nooyi and Vikram Pandit, Rajiv L. Gupta of Rohm and Haas is one of them.

Gupta's package was $7.3 million, cash pay being $2.8 million, according to the CEO pay tabulated Sunday by The New York Times based on proxies filed by companies.

Muzaffarnagar-born, IIT educated, Gupta took over as chairman and CEO of the Pennsylvania-based chemicals multinational in 1999.

For Nooyi, chief of PepsiCo, the total annual package was $14.7 million, with a cash pay of $4.9 million, stock awards and option awards making up the rest.

Pandit, who took over as chief of Citigroup only in last December, received a total of $3.2 million, out of which a huge chunk of $2.9 million was in stock awards.

The highest compensation - a whopping $84 million - went to Johan Thain, chief of Merrill Lynch, while Rupert Murdoch of News Corp took home $24 million.

Steven Jobs of Apple chose to take only a token $1. Even the richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, took only $175,000 from his company, Berkshire Hathaway.

Siliconindia News Bureau. You can read more top news at