At the age of 65 Dream to travel whole India by Bicycle.

The man with burning desire & dream to travel each and every village of India at the age of 65. Along with him, his life partner is also giving him full support.

They started their journey for a noble cause of spreading peace among fellow Indians. His mission is to spread the universal message, Peace On Earth,Peace in India to empower, uplift and awaken the Indian consciousness of our human family.

Read more about this person & spread the words to be the part of this Noble Cause.
Mission & Dream to travel whole India by Bicycle. Full story at

Article Submitter Review

While article submission isn't anything shockingly new to the world of SEO, many people STILL don't do it... and for good reason. It takes so incredibly long to do manually.

I'll admit, I had tried article submission at one point, but after I finally found a few article directories to submit my articles to, and then after manually copying and pasting my information into the required text boxes on each submission site, I quickly realized that my time could be better spent doing something else.

Then I came across a free program created by Brad Callen and Bryxen Software, Inc. that allows you to automatically submit your articles to hundreds of article directories with a few mouse clicks. Basically all I had to do was input my article criteria into the software, ONCE! Then, the program would automatically fill in all of the required data at each of the submission websites. Pretty incredible if you ask me.

The only part I didn't understand was why the program is free...but I can't argue with that I suppose.

The software currently contains around 700 article directories, all free to submit your articles to. It is the most straightforward program that we've come across, in that all you need to do is:

1. Input your article details (i.e. title, article body, bio, etc.) into the software

2.Click on the directory you want to submit to

And then the program will automatically fill in your article details. Then, you simply click the submit button and your article is instantly submitted to the directory. Then, you can move to the next directory, go through the list, and by the time you're finished you'll have roughly 700 one way links pointing to your website.

I can't think of an easier way to get links. Of course, if you're going to get links this quickly, it's important to submit different variations of your articles, to make things look more natural to the search engines.

You can do this very easily via Article Submitter when you create your project in the beginning.

The software is constantly being updated and their is an incredible community of users established that all work together to make the software better and better, so you know you're getting great value for the money.

To check out the software, go here:

How Twitter Works - Learn all about how to use Twitter

How Twitter Works

So how Twitter works it's always a question for new users, even it was the same with when I started.

With patience & my eagerness toward learning new technologies I explored Twitter and it's features to use it at max. It's an real cool tool to use. The time when I started twittering there were not manypeople were using this tool, but goodness Twitter has already created buzz across marketing professionals and bloggers.

Every one is talking about Twitter, I guess you have also received such newsletter'swhere social marketer's and industry professional are talking about how to leverage Twitter technology, and to my belief after Google (the search giant), Twitter-instant online message updates giant (TOMU aka Twitter - Online Message Updating) is favorite of everyone now a days.

I was about to start blog post "How Twitter Works" and see the Twit Magic Works, I found many other guys have already taken the pain of writing about this.

If you are also struggling about Twitter & want to learn "How Twitter Work" do check the detailed article written by Jonathan Strickland at

Here is what you can learn from this Article:-
"How Twitter Works " by Jonathan Strickland

Inside This Article
1. Introduction to How Twitter Works
2. What are Tweets?
3. Twitter's API
4. Twitter on Your Cell Phone
5. Lots More Information

Have Fun & enjoy reading. Do comment and share your views


Afzal Khan

Twitter - Made Century of Follower's tonight - Twitter@Saraswati

NOTE: I am dedicating this post to my Follower number 100 at - SARASWATI (I promised to write blog post whoever will be the Century follower:-)

Twitter - Made Century of Follower's tonight - Twitter@Saraswati

Before Starting let me share some thought's of mine about Twitter

Web Defination of
Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.

Twitter....Twitter.........and........Twitter- What a Tool ~~

It's almost 9-10 months when I found Twitter and from that particular day (i don't remember date, may be need to check the first update from twitter log) my whole online activities has been updated about...What I am Doing, Am I writing blog post or reading articles or working for blah...blah whatever task I was doing is Twitted.

Twitter has become one of my daily activities, I can skip having morning tea but Twittering never nor it happen even a single day (except when I am having no internet connectivity) even though at back of my mind always there a thought of twitting this activity.

Twitter has revolutanized the way & my life, given me opportunity to follow like minded people, mentor's, make new contacts and most important to view what other people are talking about.

I can say that Twit it every thing while you are at work, blogging or doing nothing, it's Fun always to update with What I am doing?

So you do wanna Twit...go ahead & feel the pleasure, You can catch me at & if you feel you can follow me too, so that I will also get the opportunity of Twitting with you.

I have made a blog dedicated for Indian Twitter's - A comprehnesive Blog directory dedicated to all Indian Twitter's. Do you Twit & want to be part of this Community visit

Well till now was all what I want to say about Twitter in nutshell.

Saraswati - Follower number 100 at

So here I go About Saraswati.......It's better let her describe about herself although I came to know about her today few minutes ago only....

Saraswati in her word's - You can visit her website too

Let me try telling you something about me. I landed on this earth 45 years ago in the CITY Of JOY - Kolkata, the capital city of West Bengal, a state in Eastern India. I completed my education there; I was also an active participant in sporting events, especially, in the field events.
After finishing my studies, I worked for Multinationals in various Senior Management positions. Around 1998, these jobs were becoming monotonous and stereotype for me and I decided to give up work and start teaching. After all, what have I studied for!

Sharing (not imposing!) knowledge gives me great pleasure and self-satisfaction. At present, my students vary from 11 years to 21 years; I love them and love being with them; there is so much to learn from them (it is truly said that learning is a never-ending process). During these past 10 years, I have become very well-read, well-versed, well-informed on any subject under the sun.

I never say, “I like this subject; I don’t like that subject”. Believe me, every subject, in its own sphere, is a great contributor to the world of knowledge.

With a view to share with the world whatever I know and have experienced, I have started this website in February 2008 and hope to surge ahead with good wishes from all of you.

Location: New Delhi, India
Bio: A simpleton, down-to-earth person who wants to do something worth-a-while for the society.

Good Luck Folks, see @ Twitter.
Afzal Khan
Online Marketing Professional

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

I am going to be part of this! What about You - It's Blogger's call
Together, I know we can raise awareness and prove bloggers can do good! Raise your voice as an Blogger.

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

Thanks to you, May marks the first anniversary of Bloggers Unite and this time we're launching an awareness campaign chosen by BlogCatalog members. On May 15, let's unite for human rights and make a statement that all people are born with basic rights and freedoms - life, liberty, and justice!

On May 15th 2008, let's come together and all blog about Human Rights. There are dozens and dozens of human rights issues that you can write about. The one you choose is up to you.

Topics to Consider

  • The wrongful imprisonment of journalists covering assemblies.
  • Governments that ignore the plight of citizens left tot he mercy of gangs.
  • The censorship of the Internet in order to prevent freedom of expression.
  • Harsh punishments that include torture, forced labor, and starvation.
  • Sexual assault against women by members of military or militia.

Learn More About Human Rights

There are many organizations that promote human rights and work to protect people. We've picked three to help you learn more and find breaking topics.

  • Amnesty International ( is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. They work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity.
  • Human Right Watch ( is dedicated to protecting human rights of people around the world. They stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, uphold political freedom, protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice.
  • Youth For Human Rights ( is an independent non-profit that educates people about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so they become valuable advocates for tolerance and peace.

We have an entire group discussion dedicated to Bloggers Unite ( where you can add more organizations that you think are worth including.

How To Join Bloggers Unite!

To join, simply visit the Bloggers Unite page ( to get more information. Then, on Thursday, May 15th, write a blog post that shares awareness about human rights.

Your blog post could:

  • Have the title "Bloggers Unite For Human Rights" (or some variation).
  • include an example of human rights so people can learn about it.
  • Explain the importance of human rights and how it applies to everyone.
  • Link to one of the sites we've listed or the most suitable site for your country.
  • And add a link to our BlogCatalog Community Human Rights Awareness Campaign page so we can give you and your blog credit for being part of it.

If you have any questions, please e-mail And please, don't forget to tell your friends to blog about this too. Together, I know we can raise awareness and prove bloggers can do good!

Afzal Khan
Professional Blogger - Proud Member BlogCatalog Community Human Rights Awareness Campaign

10 Ways to Empower Your Communication

Currently: Team Leader/Trainer
Interests: Internet marketing,search engines,business online & link marketing
Experience: Huntington,WV , Professional Marketer [Business marketing online trainer,educator,advertiser.] Working/Currently

10 Ways to Empower Your Communication

There is so much to know about conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go though watching talk shows; radio programs; clubs dedicated to public speaking; ordinary conversations; certain rules still apply when it comes to interaction through words. It may sound tedious, I know, but even though it's your mouth that's doing the work, your brain works twice as hard to churn out a lot of things you know. So what better way to start learning to be an effective communication is to know the very person closest to you: yourself.

1. What you know.
Education is all about learning the basics, but to be an effective speaker is to practice what you've learned. My stint as guest at every Toastmasters' meeting I go to taught me that we all have our limitations, but that doesn't mean we can't learn to keep up and share what we know.

2. Listening.
It's just as important as asking questions. Sometimes listening to the sound of our own voice can teach us to be a little bit confident with ourselves and to say the things we believe in with conviction.

3. Humility
We all make mistakes, and sometimes we tend to slur our words, stutter, and probably mispronounce certain words even though we know what it means, but rarely use it only to impress listeners. So in a group, don't be afraid to ask if you're saying the right word properly and if they're unsure about it then make a joke out of it. I promise you it'll make everyone laugh and you can get away with it as well.

4. Eye Contact
There's a lot to say when it comes to directing your attention to your audience with an eye-catching gaze. It's important that you keep your focus when talking to a large group in a meeting or a gathering, even though he or she may be gorgeous.

5. Kidding around
A little bit of humor can do wonders to lift the tension, or worse boredom when making your speech. That way, you'll get the attention of the majority of the crowd and they'll feel that you're just as approachable, and as human to those who listen.

6. Be like the rest of them
Interaction is all about mingling with other people. You'll get a lot of ideas, as well as knowing what people make them as they are.

7. Me, Myself, and I
Admit it, there are times you sing to yourself in the shower. I know I do! Listening to the sound of your own voice while you practice your speech in front of a mirror can help correct the stress areas of your pitch. And while you're at it you can spruce up as well.

8. With a smile
A smile says it all much like eye contact. There's no point on grimacing or frowning in a meeting or a gathering, unless it's a wake. You can better express what you're saying when you smile.

9. A Role Model
There must be at least one or two people in your life you have listened to when they're at a public gathering or maybe at church. Sure they read their lines, but taking a mental note of how they emphasize what they say can help you once you take center stage.

10. Preparation
Make the best out of preparation rather than just scribbling notes and often in a hurried panic. Some people like to write things down on index cards, while other resort to being a little more silly as they look at their notes written on the palm of their hand (not for clammy hands, please). Just be comfortable with what you know since you enjoy your work.

And that about wraps it up. These suggestions are rather amateurish in edgewise, but I've learned to empower myself when it comes to public or private speaking and it never hurts to be with people to listen how they make conversations and meetings far more enjoyable as well as educational.

To Your Success,
Lisa Simpkins

Read more articles from Lisa at her SiliconIndia Blog

Three Indian Americans among top drawing 200 CEOs in U.S.

Three Indian Americans among top drawing 200 CEOs in U.S.Tuesday,

April 08, 2008

New York: Three Indian Americans are among the 200 CEOs of large public companies who received an average of over $11 million compensation in 2007. Besides Indra Nooyi and Vikram Pandit, Rajiv L. Gupta of Rohm and Haas is one of them.

Gupta's package was $7.3 million, cash pay being $2.8 million, according to the CEO pay tabulated Sunday by The New York Times based on proxies filed by companies.

Muzaffarnagar-born, IIT educated, Gupta took over as chairman and CEO of the Pennsylvania-based chemicals multinational in 1999.

For Nooyi, chief of PepsiCo, the total annual package was $14.7 million, with a cash pay of $4.9 million, stock awards and option awards making up the rest.

Pandit, who took over as chief of Citigroup only in last December, received a total of $3.2 million, out of which a huge chunk of $2.9 million was in stock awards.

The highest compensation - a whopping $84 million - went to Johan Thain, chief of Merrill Lynch, while Rupert Murdoch of News Corp took home $24 million.

Steven Jobs of Apple chose to take only a token $1. Even the richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, took only $175,000 from his company, Berkshire Hathaway.

Siliconindia News Bureau. You can read more top news at

New NASSCOM Chairman - Mr Ganesh Natarajan

Ganesh Natarajan named Nasscom Chairman

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
New Delhi: The National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) has named Ganesh Natarajan, deputy chairman and managing director of Zensar, as its chairman for 2008-09.

He takes over from Lakshmi Narayan, vice-chairman of Cognizant Technology Solutions. The industry lobby also named Pramod Bhasin, president and chief executive of Genpact, as the vice-chairman.

Although Nasscom seeks to protect the interests of Indian service sector firms, notably in the IT and outsourcing businesses, its membership of around 1,200 companies includes over 200 from the U.S., Europe, Japan and China.

Announcing the Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2008-09, Som Mittal, President, NASSCOM said, "Ganesh Natarajan has been associated with NASSCOM for a number of years and has helped in setting up a several initiatives focussed on Innovation, as well as for the small and medium enterprises. An industry veteran, he is immensely respected and regarded by peers and colleagues not only for his adept leadership but also for his keen knowledge and focus on innovation. We are also delighted to welcome Pramod Bhasin as the NASSCOM Vice Chairman for 2008-09. He has been leading our BPO Forum and, we believe, with his vast experience he will add immense value to the entire industry which will bring a sharper focus on the BPO segment."

"It is an honour to be the Chairman of NASSCOM at a critical time for the industry. Creativity, community and collaboration would help sustain the growth momentum of the industry. The inherent creativity of this industry's people can be translated into commercial innovations to keep our leadership position intact and unleashing the power of community within and across industry segments will ensure that we remain buoyant in all market segments and geographies", said Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Chairman, NASSCOM and Deputy Chairman and Managing Director, Zensar.

Pramod Bhasin, Vice Chairman NASSCOM and President & CEO, Genpact said, "As a part of the NASSCOM Leadership team, I will be focusing on leading the Indian BPO and IT industry globally and focusing on key initiatives such as education and security that are crucial for growth of the industry in the years to come."

Siliconindia News Bureau. You can read more top news at

Top Ten Ways to Create a Freelancing Empire

Top Ten Ways to Create a Freelancing Empire by Shama Hyder of After The

Sure, you are great at what you do, but have you ever considered building a freelancing empire around your skill set? If you have ever had a Pinky and The Brain moment about your services, read on.

  1. Set yourself as the Go-To Guy or Gal in a Specific Industry- It is very tempting as a freelancer to offer your services to everyone you meet, but this method will bring you scattered results. However, if you hone in on a certain industry, you can really create a name for yourself. This doesn't mean that you only work with that niche, but that does become your primary target market. For example, let's say you choose to do web design for law firms. Now you can focus on that specific target market of attorneys. You can build a name for yourself within that group. Does this restrict you to only working for law firms? No, of course not. But it does help you create a name for yourself in a certain industry and reap the benefits of a strong reputation.

  2. Network Outside of your Regular Group - If you only hang out with fellow freelancers, you won't get very far in terms of building your empire. It is necessary to spend time with colleagues, but you won't always get more business that way. If you really want to brand yourself and get more clients, you have to network outside of your regular group.

  3. Always Ask for Testimonials- What do all the top dogs have in common? They have built up one heck of a reputation. And you can too. Always ask for a testimonial for work well done. It doesn't matter if you don't need them at the moment or don't have a place to display them. If they liked your work, get it in writing. Just collect them for future reference. You never know when they might come in handy.

  4. Always Ask for Referrals-If you do a good job on a project for a client, always ask if they know others who could use your services. I am shocked at how many freelancers don't do this. Don't assume that your clients don't talk to others about your work. Most people love to brag about a job well done. Be sure to make it clear to them that you appreciate referrals and would love to be of service to their friends and associates.

  5. Build a Relationship with Clients- Let's say you bid on a project and win it. The client provides the details, and you do a fabulous job for them. They pay and you move on to the next client...UNLESS, they pay and you keep in touch with them. Every now and then send them an email, and see how that project you did for them is working out. Do they need anything else? If so, you would love to work with them again. Did you mention that you just got married? And did they have a good Thanksgiving? Build a relationship with your clients. Keep in touch and communicate. Let them see you as more than a just a freelancer. If they start seeing you as a friend, the chances of you receiving future work and more referrals skyrockets.

  6. Create a Marketing Plan- If you want to build a freelancing empire; people have to know about you. So, spend time marketing your services. And I don't just mean having an elevator pitch ready when someone asks you what you do. You should have a full fledge marketing plan in place. What mediums (online and offline) will you use to market your services? How much time and money will you spend with each medium? How will you check to see if the marketing efforts are providing you with a good return on investment?

  7. Think of it in TERMS of a BUSINESS- So many freelancers consider themselves artists-and rightly so. But more than that, they are also in the business of providing a service. If you think of freelancing as one job or project after another-you start thinking short term. It is easy to forget that your services are actually a part of your business! The life of each job ends when you get paid and a new job or project begins. In order to create a freelancing empire, you have to see the separate jobs as a series of projects that are all connected. You are not just a freelancer, but a business owner who freelances.

  8. Seek out Mentors AND Mentees- You may think mentors are strictly for corporate cubicle workers who want to move up the ladder, and not for a freelancer like yourself. But you must seek out mentors if you want to create a freelancing empire. These mentors don't have to be freelancers themselves, but just seasoned business owners who you can learn from. On the same token, become a mentor yourself. There are plenty of young freelancers out there who could use someone to teach them the tricks of the trade. A big part of building a freelancing empire is giving back to the community. You can start here!

  9. Have a Website/Portfolio and Constantly Update It- You do good work,-display it! I hesitate to tell you the number of "serious" freelancers I have met, who don't have a website or portfolio. And many of those who do have a portfolio never bother to update it. It is not exactly confidence inspiring in a client when the last piece in your portfolio is dated 2000, and is an ad for Y2K.

  10. Get Good with Numbers- You may hate math (and I did for a long time), but there is no getting around this one. You have to get comfortable with numbers if you plan on building your business empire. At the least, know your costs, your revenues, and your profit margin. I really love Win Web's free accounting software that is especially designed for freelancers and small business owners. You can check it out at

Here is to you and the start of your freelancing empire!

Shama Hyder is an expert marketing consultant to independent professionals and professional service firms around the world. As the founder of After The Launch, Shama serves clients through her one-on-one consulting work, and through her company's several online and offline marketing services.

You can get her free report "101 Ways to Market Your Business" at


Note: This artcile has been published by taking prior permission from original author - Shama Hyder of

Article published on this blog by Afzal Khan - Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional of

Top 10 Ways to Use Facebook to Promote your Business for Free by Shama Hyder

Top 10 Ways to Use Facebook to Promote your Business for Free

There are plenty of social media platforms that you can participate in today, and they all have their pros and cons. The best way to choose a platform to participate in is to look at the people that hang out there. In my opinion, Facebook is one of the best platforms for networking-both personally and professionally. I also use Linked In and Twitter. Linked In is nice for having a more or less static professional profile online. Twitter is good for "blasting" bits and pieces of news to friends and clients. The one social networking group I am not part of is MySpace. Privacy controls are more lax at MySpace than I prefer. Of all the social networks, Facebook is the real gem when it comes to all-round marketing and networking.

I have been using Facebook for the past two years, and it is an excellent marketing tool. Here are 10 ways you can use Facebook to promote your business for FREE!

1. Create an Excellent Profile- This is THE first step in utilizing Facebook efficiently. If you think of Facebook in terms of a marketing campaign, your profile page can be considered your "brand." Here is my profile. A strong profile should include: a professional picture (please resist the urge to put up pictures of yourself in this year’s Halloween costume-unless of course that is part of your brand), your contact information, your website address, and your personal interests. You don’t have to list out all your personal interests-you can stick to listing just you professional interests if you prefer.

2. Add Friends- This is what makes Facebook really special-the relationships it allows you to build and sustain. The more friends you have, the more affective your marketing and networking efforts will be. The most simple way to add friends is to use Facebook’s own tools to search for current friends already using the platform. Once you have added all current friends, you can start adding acquaintances. One unique feature of Facebook is that is allows you to look at friends of friends. You can build up a huge network this way in no time.

3. Join Groups- You can join online groups within Facebook that are related to what you do. There are groups for consultants, coaches, and trainers…almost all professional service providers have some type of an online group. I am part of many marketing groups and have made quite a few contacts that way. So, find a few groups that suit your tastes and get to mingling!

4. Create your Own Group- Can’t find a group that really fits your style-create your own! You can add members, publish articles, carry on discussions, and probably meet quite a few prospects.

5. List your Events- Hosting a Teleseminar or speaking somewhere? Create an events page and invite all those you want. You can even see how many RSVP and get feedback from attendees. Marketing doesn’t get easier (or cheaper!) than this.

6. Syndicate your Blog- You can syndicate your blog on your profile page. This basically means that every time you make a post, it will automatically show up on your profile page. More Exposure = More Readers = More Potential Leads.

7. Reach OUT! – Are you a fan or admirer of someone’s work? Reach out to them on Facebook! Many colleagues of mine check their Facebook messages more regularly than their email. They are also more likely to respond to Facebook messages. Don’t feel comfortable sending out a message to someone you don’t know? No worries! Leave them a “I enjoy your work!” blurb on their wall. (All profiles come with “virtual walls” where friends and acquaintances can leave comments.)

8. Send Virtual Gifts- Want to show your appreciation for someone? Send them a virtual gift. You can choose from a bunch of balloons to a potted plant that actually sits on the recipient’s profile and grows over time (my favorite).

9. Use the Marketplace- Facebook has an online marketplace that allows you to list your services and products for free. This is a great way to gain exposure. You can also list certain things you are looking for. I often find some great books through the Marketplace.

10. Create a Community- Perhaps Facebook’s greatest benefit is that it allows you to create a community. It provides you a group of people who are constantly connected to you, and are open to hearing your message. Write on people’s walls, respond to their comments, and introduce them to each other. So…start building your brand and leveraging social media networks for marketing!

By Shama Hyder of
Email us at Shama [at]

Shama Hyder is an expert marketing consultant to independent professionals and professional service firms around the world. As the founder of After The Launch, Shama serves clients through her one-on-one consulting work, and through her company’s several online and offline marketing services.

You can get her free report “101 Ways to Market Your Business” at
Note: This article has been published by taking prior permission from the Author Shama Hyder. Posted on this blog by Afzal Khan.