Avinash Wins Award For Great Content(Google Analytics Blog) at THE SEMMYS 2008

Analytics 2008 Winner at THE SEMMYS (The Years Best Post In Search Engine Marketing)

Avinash Kaushik - Analytics - 2008 Winner

About Avinash - He is an Independent Consultant with a focus on speaking and consulting engagements that help organizations unlock the power of web research and web analytics to create truly data driven organizations and gain a strategic competitive advantage.

Currently Avinash is an Analytics Evangelist for Google.

He is also the author of the blog Occam's Razor, that focuses on Web Research & Web Analytics, and the book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day, was published by Wiley in June 2007.

Website: http://www.webanalyticshour.com

Congratulations to Avinash Kaushik on his 2008 SEMMY award from all Blogger's Worldwide. Avinash won in the Analytics category for his post entitled Web Analytics Demystified. Avinash's goal with this post and its complement Web Metrics Demystified is to help new users learn to think like seasoned analysts, but even experienced practitioners will learn something new.

For more thought provoking & inspiring posts, with commentary from many of the brightest minds in web analytics, check out Avinash's blog Occam's Razor.

Published on Toprankseo Blog by Afzal Khan Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional

Ranking at No- in Google for "Professional Indian Blogger", "SEM Expert", "SEM Experts Resume", "SEO Expert Resume", "PPC expert resumes", "SEO SEM PPC Expert", "Google Algorithm Expert India", "Resume of SEM Professionals", "Web 2.0 Google Top Ranking", "Indian Twitter Directory", "Blogspot Directory", "Professional Bloggers Directory", "Bloggers Worldwide"y

Internet Frauds -The Vipers Nest - SiliconIndia Blog

About Author: Kishore Jagirdar
Currently: Managing Director at Infopace management Pvt Ltd
Interests: HR . Strategic consulting ,Training , BPO , KPO
Blog: http://blogs.siliconindia.com/kishor
Experience:Bangalore , Managing Director [Strategic Consulting which involves , Culling ideas, Intellectual programming,Enterprise development,team building, mentoring ,strategic growth , Investment procurement in short Incubating business. ] - Working/Currently

******************************Blog Post****************************

The perpetrators of Advance Fee Fraud (AFF), known internationally as "419" fraud after the section of the Nigerian penal code which addresses fraud schemes, are often very creative and innovative.

Advance Fee Fraud Examples
• In almost every case there is a sense of urgency;
•The victim is enticed to travel to Nigeria or a border country;
•There are many forged official looking documents;
•Most of the correspondence is handled by fax or through the mail;
•Blank letterheads and invoices are requested from the victim along with the banking particulars;
•Any number of Nigerian fees are requested for processing the transaction with each fee purported to be the last required;
•The confidential nature of the transaction is emphasized;
•There are usually claims of strong ties to Nigerian officials;
•A Nigerian residing in the U.S., London or other foreign venue may claim to be a clearing house bank for the Central Bank of Nigeria; we have this now coming in from almost all parts of the world and often increasingly are not only Nigerians but also other nationals including Europeans
•Offices in legitimate government buildings appear to have been used by impostors posing as the real occupants or officials. The most common forms of these fraudulent business proposals fall into seven main categories:
•Disbursement of money from wills
•Contract fraud (C.O.D. of goods or services)
•Purchase of real estate
•Conversion of hard currency
•Transfer of funds from over invoiced contracts
•Sale of crude oil at below market prices

Now we are finding some other new innovative method they have employed
a) Phishing : Email containing the features of reputed bank asking internet access to be revalidated for security reasons and the unsuspecting customer logs in and reveals all the details which in turn will be used to clean the bank accounts of its money

b) Job offers : lot of people are being targeted on the online job portal like naukari.com, monster.com by fictious employers or employment agencies that will give attractive overseas job offers one cannot refuse and then lure them into payments for visa processing or the other. The candidate is made to constantly part with money for one reason or the other with such professional ease that it will take a long time for the person to realize the fraud they are into .

c) Lottery winners: Intimation out of the blue informing of a lottery you may have won without you participating in it with the lottery ticket attached to victim’s email ID which was randomly selected over 90,000 names of databases and address via computer ballot from several countries. They will ask for processing fee to be paid after collecting due details and go on milking all the victim’s information which they will use to create fake transaction using the personal details and milk as much as possible collection of payments from the victim

d) Commission agents: Off late there are offers being given to people over the email for acting as an agent for collection of payments for a validated business in exports and imports .Initially the victim will get receipts of small payment collections that will give the victim the feeling that this is a great business and soon they will win the confidence. Once they have deep rooted levels of confidence created then they will ask for a bank guarantee or a large payment remittance which will be in process and not yet credited to the victims account .On good will the victims ends up sending the huge payments which will never get refunded or credited.

e) Online Auctions/sales: the victim is convinced that he has made a fantastic bargain on the sales and makes the 50% or 100% advance payment to ensure that the deal is sealed But will never get his product delivered.

f) Spyware: This is a type of software that gets typically down loaded like the “Trojan horse “Into the unsuspecting victims system via pop ups and then keeps sending the data from the system to the senders PC at times this technic has been used by people to defraud banks with the online access information over the ATMs and online activity.

g) Inheritance/Donations: Out of the blue the victims get a message from a so called legal firm on the inheritance of a large estate being left behind by a deceased or a terminally ill benefactor .they will make the victim swear that the money should be utilised wisely for benefit of the underprivileged and will emphasize on the irrelevance of its value to the benefactor in the face of death .It would immediately need the victim to start spending on the retrieval of the said estate that never existed.

How does it work?The most prevalent and successful cases of Advance Fee Fraud is the fund transfer scam. In this scheme, a company or individual will typically receive an unsolicited letter by mail from a Nigerian claiming to be a senior civil servant. In the letter, the Nigerian will inform the recipient that he is seeking a reputable foreign company or individual into whose account he can deposit funds ranging from $10-$60 million that the Nigerian government overpaid on some procurement contract. The criminals obtain the names of potential victims from a variety of sources including trade journals, professional directories, newspapers, and commercial libraries. They do not target a single company, but rather send out mailings en masse. The sender declares that he is a senior civil servant in one of the Nigerian Ministries, usually the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

The letters refer to investigations of previous contracts awarded by prior regimes alleging that many contracts were over invoiced. Rather than return the money to the government, they desire to transfer the money to a foreign account. The sums to be transferred average between $10,000,000 to $60,000,000 and the recipient is usually offered a commission up to 30 percent for assisting in the transfer. Initially, the intended victim is instructed to provide company letterheads and pro forma invoicing that will be used to show completion of the contract.
One of the reasons is to use the victim's letterhead to forge letters of recommendation to other victim companies and to seek out a travel visa from the American Embassy in Lagos. The victim is told that the completed contracts will be submitted for approval to the Central Bank of Nigeria. Upon approval, the funds will be remitted to an account supplied by the intended victim.

The goal of the criminal is to delude the target into thinking that he is being drawn into a very lucrative, albeit questionable, arrangement. The intended victim must be reassured and confident of the potential success of the deal. He will become the primary supporter of the scheme and willingly contribute a large amount of money when the deal is threatened.
The term "when" is used because the con-within-the-con is the scheme will be threatened in order to persuade the victim to provide a large sum of money to save the venture. The letter, while appearing transparent and even ridiculous to most, unfortunately is growing in its effectiveness. It sets the stage and is the opening round of a two-layered scheme or scheme within a scheme.

The fraudster will eventually reach someone who, while skeptical, desperately wants the deal to be genuine. Victims are almost always requested to travel to Nigeria or a border country to complete a transaction. Individuals are often told that a visa will not be necessary to enter the country. The Nigerian con artists may then bribe airport officials to pass the victims through Immigration and Customs. Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa, the victim's illegal entry may be used by the fraudsters as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds.

Violence and threats of physical harm may be employed to further pressure victims.

Dangerous Business: In June of 1995, an American was murdered in Lagos, Nigeria, while pursuing a 4-1-9 scam, and numerous other foreign nationals have been reported as missing. Victims are often convinced of the authenticity of Advance Fee Fraud schemes by the forged or false documents bearing apparently official Nigerian government letterhead, seals, as well as false letters of credit, payment schedules and bank drafts. The fraudster may establish the credibility of his contacts, and thereby his influence, by arranging a meeting between the victim and "government officials" in real or fake government offices.

In the next stage some alleged problem concerning the "inside man" will suddenly arise. An official will demand an up-front bribe or an unforeseen tax or fee to the Nigerian government will have to be paid before the money can be transferred. These can include licensing fees, registration fees, and various forms of taxes and attorney fees.

Normally each fee paid is described as the very last fee required. Invariably, oversights and errors in the deal are discovered by the Nigerians, necessitating additional payments and allowing the scheme to be stretched out over many months. Several reasons have been submitted why Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud has undergone a dramatic increase in recent years. The explanations are as diverse as the types of schemes. The Nigerian Government blames the growing problem on mass unemployment, extended family systems, a get rich quick syndrome, and, especially, the greed of foreigners.

Indications are that Advance Fee Fraud grosses hundreds of millions of dollars annually and the losses are continuing to escalate. In all likelihood, there are victims who do not report their losses to authorities due to either fear or embarrassment. Some of the sites below give adequate information on the various frauds and a telltale for horror stories how people have become victim of their own greed and ended up losing everything they had to these tricksters

For more details

If you feel you have been a victim of any of these schemes contact your local Law enforcement (High Tech Crimes Unit) office for assistance at http: //www.cbi.gov.in/cybercrime/cybercrime.php

You are also welcome to contact the author of this article for advise as he has done extensive research on this subject. You can reach him at mailto:kishorjagirdar(at the rate)yahoo.co.in

Published on Toprankseo Blog by Afzal Khan Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional

Ranking at No- in Google for "Professional Indian Blogger", "SEM Experts Resume", "SEO Expert Resume", "PPC expert resumes", "SEO SEM PPC Expert", "Google Algorithm Expert India", "Resume of SEM Professionals", "Web 2.0 Google Top Ranking", "Indian Twitter Directory", "Blogspot Directory", "Professional Bloggers Directory", "Bloggers Worldwide"

Free Search Engine Ranking Tool by Mike

Hello Folks,

Everyone who is in Online marketing have heard about Micheal Wong (AKA Mike).

Mike is an internet marketing expert and the Editor of Mike's Marketing Tools. He has offered many of tools which are helpful in tracking and working for maximum results online.

Here I want to introduce one of his greatest tool which is absolutely free to use. I guess every SEO Expert need to check search engine rankings and many of Freelancer SEO Experts can't afford to purchase memebrship of Web-position & otherpaid ranking softwares.

Mike offers Search Engine Rankings tool to check rankings instantly, online reports of web site rankings in 8 top search engines and web directories, including Google, Yahoo! Search, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, Yahoo! Directory, and Open Directory (Dmoz) - FREE!
If you want to know more about Mike please visit his personal website at http://www.mikes-marketing-tools.com/whos-mike.html

Search Engine Rankings
Search Engine Rankings - Instant, online reports of web site rankings in 8 top search engines and web directories, including Google, Yahoo! Search, MSN, AOL, AltaVista, AllTheWeb, Yahoo! Directory, and Open Directory (Dmoz).

Tata Indicom Broadband Service - TataIndicom Worst Service Provider in India

Here comes my 2nd post for this year on internet service provider, whom connection I am bearing just because I was not other options perviously. But at last I found the solution

Well I had written a whole review about "Tata Indicom Broadband - Do more. Live More" at Mouthshut.com

TataIndicom turns me to write about there services, which in other way is good atleast I am back to Mouthshut.com because of them.

Before giving details I want to request all those who read this article, that please don't look for grammatical errors & spelling mistakes, because I have written that review at very fast pace without drafting & doing spell check. So please bear with this, but I am confident you will love to read full article at last. It will let you know how much frustrated I am with Tata Indicom Services.

I don't know I have the right to say or not, but Tata indicom Broadband is spoiling the brand & faith which we are having towards Tata Group. If some Gentlement from Tata Group is reading this article in accident, I would request him to look into this matter otherwise all voer internet you will find bad words about Tata which I think no one will like. So please do something about your Tata Indicom Boradband Divison.

Here is brief of my review at Mouthshut.com:

I’ll start from Tata’s Tag Line which is like "Tata Indicom - Do More. Live More" - Have you seen this.

Offcourse everyone have seen this but to my experience I’ll say " Pay More. Get Nothing - Tata Indicom".
Before proceeding further I want folks to let know about that I had used Airtel BroadBand Connection too, for almost 1 year. I informed this in order to compare customer services, product service and other helps & services of these 2 Internet Service Providers.

I have taken the new Tata Indicom Connection on 28th Nov, 2007 coz I was having very limited options. Like the area where my house is located in Chennai, I don’t have Airtel Broadband. Our locality are having only Sify, Hathway, BSNL & Tata Indicom.

BSNL takes long time for installation & processing so I concentrate on other 3 providers out of which I decided to go with Tata Indicom Boradband on 28th Nov, 2007. To me from 28th Nov all of my trouble started and you can say instead of getting peace at my work, I had invited troubles on my own by taking Tata Services.

You can read the whole review at: http://www.mouthshut.com/review/Choosing_a_DSL_Provider-138193.html

Afzal Khan
Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional

Ranking at No- in Google for "Professional Indian Blogger", "SEM Experts Resume", "SEO Expert Resume", "PPC expert resumes", "SEO SEM PPC Expert", "Google Algorithm Expert India", "Resume of SEM Professionals", "Web 2.0 Google Top Ranking", "Indian Twitter Directory", "Blogspot Directory", "Professional Bloggers Directory", "Bloggers Worldwide"

First Post of Year 2008 - Professional Internet Mareketing & SEO/SEM Experts Blog

I am back here with First Blog post for Year 2008. After receiving many emails from blog readers who visitis my ToprankBlog and requested me to write a post, it feels good when my readers ask me to write something & they enjoy reading all those stuff. On my part I want to inform you all Folks that I was very busy all these days with my job and other important ventures.

And what a great node to start with recognition and feedbacks received from People all over from Internet who doesn't belongs to Internet Marketing Communtiy. Here is what I want to share with you all.

Ranjan Varma - Well known blogger & author writing articles about Business Management and Personal Finance.

News which I want to share is he has listed my Blog posts on his "My Top Blog Posts of 2007"

My Top India Blog Posts 2007 are (not necessarily in any order, all of them are fabulous!)
The Journey Within by Rashmi Bansal.
United Colors of India by Deepta Kirti. Gautam Ghosh pointed this one out to me.
30 by 30 by Gaurav Mishra is audacious.
On Indian Journalism by Atanu Dey
In defence of blogging by Amit Varma
The middle muddle of Indian monetary policy by Ajay Shah
Tell me your dreams by Ideasmithy
Listen, let me tell you a secret by Melody Laila.
A political game show by Amit Varma again.
Trust you with my money? I don't think so! by Sidin Vadukut.
Narayan Murthy's view on staying late in office by Afzal Khan.
The age of profound ignorance by Atanu Dey
A rant on writing by Neha Vishwanathan
Build a successful blog by the poster boy of India blogging, Amit Agarwal.
Coase and Kansa by Aadisht.
Every experience is designed to make you stronger! by Melody Laila.

And if you want to learn & know more about of financial information and investment tools visit his Ranjan Varma's Blog at http://www.ranjanblog.com/

Have Fun & Keep Blogging.

Afzal Khan
Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional

Ranking at No- in Google for "Professional Indian Blogger", "SEM Experts Resume", "SEO Expert Resume", "PPC expert resumes", "SEO SEM PPC Expert", "Google Algorithm Expert India", "Resume of SEM Professionals", "Web 2.0 Google Top Ranking", "Indian Twitter Directory", "Blogspot Directory", "Professional Bloggers Directory", "Bloggers Worldwide"

OM Careers to Host World’s First Online Marketing Careers Conference

The article content on this Blog, including participants, speakers, sponsorship and other information, is taken from OM Careers Blog provided for your personal information only, and is intended only for Event Promotion purposes. Content on this Blog is not appropriate for the purposes of making a decision to carry out a transaction or trade. Nor does it provide any form of advice amounting to or make any recommendations regarding particular business, educational or for career purpose.

For more Details about this Event, visit: OM Careers Blog

December 10th, 2007

According to various estimates, Online Marketing including Search Engine Marketing industry is poised to grow at a phenomenal rate in the near future. However, the rate of growth is dependent on the rate at which skilled manpower is produced. At present, lack of talented resources is the major challenge faced by various players in the industry.

To address the above challenge, I started building OM Careers, an online marketing careers community, probably the first of its kind in the world. Gradually, many industry experts extended their support and became part of it. Recently, we decided to turn this community into a non-profit organization.

Inside of this non-profit initiative, we are doing OMCAR 2008, World’s first online marketing careers conference. The event will held in New Delhi, India on Jan 12, 2008. This event is aimed to empower current online marketing professionals in their careers and to attract aspiring professionals into this fast growing and lucrative industry.

This edition of OMCAR will focus on the following topics:
• Introduction to Online Marketing
• Endless Career Opportunities in Online Marketing
• What it takes to be part of this industry?
• Entrepreneurial Opportunities
• Personal Branding
• The future of Online Marketing

Over 200 participants as categorized below will attend the event:

Through the Job clinic, this event will offer a unique opportunity for Online Marketing companies to hire right online marketing talent for their ever-growing demand. Companies such as Communicate2, one of India’s leading interactive advertising agency, has already confirmed its participation.

OMCAR 2008 is supported by leading industry bodies such as TiE New Delhi and will be blessed by India’s Online Marketing experts such as Mahesh Murthy, Vivek Bhargava and Manish Vij as speakers.

If you are an individual and is interested in building a successful career in Online Marketing, you may not want to miss this unique opportunity. You can register online and also can participate in the Job clinic by submitting your resume.

If you are an organization interested in participating in the Job Clinic or in sponsoring this event, visit sponsorship opportunities.

Your feedback and inputs regarding this conference are highly appreciated!

We look forward to seeing you at OMCAR 2008.

Pradeep Chopra
Co-Founder, OM Careers

The article content on this Blog, including participants, speakers, sponsorship and other information, is taken from OM Careers Blog provided for your personal information only, and is intended only for Event Promotion purposes. Content on this Blog is not appropriate for the purposes of making a decision to carry out a transaction or trade. Nor does it provide any form of advice amounting to or make any recommendations regarding particular business, educational or for career purpose.

PUBCON Event- WebmasterWorld's Search & Internet Marketing Conference(Pubcon)

Note: For more information about Pubcon 2007 please visit PubCon Search Marketing Conferences 2007 Website

Gold Signature Sponsors Las Vegas November 2006

PubCon Las Vegas 2007

PubCon returns to the city that never sleeps, full of energy and excitement. This year's conference is jam packed with leading-edge sessions and one-of-a-kind presentations. Whether you are a newbie or an anchored old school - there is something big to be learned at PubCon.

WebmasterWorld's Search & Internet Marketing Conference (PubCon) will be held Dec 4-7 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Search engine marketers, optimizers, marketing executives, webmasters, affiliate managers, program and channel managers, purchasing agents and affiliates will be in attendance.

Please see the history page for a brief big background picture of the conference. If you want to see what the conference itself looks like, there are many links from the history page to a group of raw picture pages.

Register online early and save. Early signup periods may vary, so please check the registration page for the latest updates. Exhibitors are given discount coupons to hand out, so feel free to check with them for further savings. There are also additional discounts out for WebmasterWorld supporters.

Prospective sponsors and exhibitors, please click here to request more information. Space is limited this year and exhibition and sponsorship packages are on a first-come-first serve basis.

Attendees, don't forget to sign up for the blog updates to stay on top of conference news and any offerings that may come along.

Last year's conferences were a big leap forward for PubCon. We had over two thousand people attend.

What you can do to prep for Vegas 2007:
Webmasters: talk to the companies you already work with and arrange meetings while in Vegas. There is nothing like a face-to-face meeting to generate new leads, work new angles, and iron out any problems.

Affiliates: Talk to your current programs and ask them if they are attending. Let them know that you are also attending and would like to arrange time to talk.

Search Engine Marketers: This is your rare chance to talk to the search engines (reps from all the major engines will be in attendance) and to your clients.

Program managers: One-on-one customer support and client maintenance is a rare opportunity. Call your existing clients and invite them to the show.

Friends: Be a hero! Invite them. After all, it's VEGAS BABY!

Discailmer Note: For more information about Pubcon 2007 please visit PubCon Search Marketing Conferences 2007 Website All the information on this blog has been taken from Pubcon Website.

Google PRV (Page Rank Value) Update - 26th October 2007

Finally much awaited Google PRV update is complete. Every one in SEO feild was waited much & created hype for this PR update. Some has been awarded & many of them gone down in their credibility according to Google Backlink Score Software (Page Rank Value).

I was also waiting for this update to see how my blogs & website are going to score this time. It was almost 3 months I was waiting for Google PR update, but at the end all of mine efforts have been paid out by Google.

Also there is an talk in Search Industry that Google PR doesn't stands now a days. For you guys I can say it's the backbone of Google success, which leds Google search results so meaningful only because of this backlink scoring software (aka PRV). How important Page Rank (PRV) is for your website. Not very important, but it also had major share in offering Google rankings. You can get indepth about Google PR from official google source Mattcutts Blog.

PageRank™ (PR)
PageRank is Google’s ranking software that calculates the relevance of a webpage to the search keywords entered. The software analyses both the number of incoming links and the ‘quality’ of the referring webpage to generate a relative measurement between 0 (low-relevance) and 10 (high-relevance). (The ‘quality’ of the referring webpage is an abstract measure of how authoritative it is on the subject matter.)

Improved Page Rank for my website & blogs:
I had seen very strict steps taken from Google for October 2007 PR Updates. Luckily Google has paid for my hardwork by giving good page rank value for my blogs.

http://blogs.hexaware.com/ - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 3.
http://www.hexaware.com/ - PRV increased from 5 to 6.
http://seoresumes.blogspot.com/ - PRV increased from 1 to 2.
http://toprankseo.blogspot.com/ - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2.
http://afzal-khan.blogspot.com/ - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2.
http://seoexpertresume.googlepages.com PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2.
http://googleseoexpert.wordpress.com/ - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2.

I am waiting to see some more changes.

Search Engine Marketing/Optimization Event in Chennai, India

Howdy Folks,

Here's an great news for all Search Engine Optimization/Marketing Professionals in India. With kind efforts SEO experts from Chennai are going to organize an event to discuss latest trends of Search Industry. It's an one of its kind of event organised for first time in India. I wish every SEO/SEM professional, PPC Expert, Professional Blogger, Internet Marketing Expert in India attentd this event, it will be an great boost in your career.

SearchCamp is a two day event aimed to bring together the best minds from the Search Engine Marketing space to talk about search engine advertising, including optimization and marketing issues. This event is the first of its kind in India and will feature workshops, debates and keynotes on the present state and evolution of Search Engine Marketing.

When & Where?
The event is scheduled for the 6th & 7th of October 2007, and the venue is at the Main Auditorium, Tidel Park, Chennai.

The Event starts at 9 a.m, with Registration and a Light Breakfast.

Get more in-depth latest news about this event by visiting http://searchcamp.in/

Looking forward to see you guys.

Ranking # 1 in Google.com for "Professional Indian Blogger", "SEO Expert Resume", "SEO/SEM Experts Resume", PPC Experts Resume"

Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional
$ I breathe, eat & sleep online@marketing $
