Beijing Olympics "Rowing Logo" on Google Search Home Page as on 16th August, 2008

Check out previous Bejing 2008 Olympic Games Google Logo's by visiting:-
To celebrate Beijing Olympics Game 2008, Google is celebrating olympics by displaying theme sport games logo at their search home page globally. Starting on 08-08-2008 I have tried to publish all Google logos at, meantime this blog has been moved to to it's new separate domain to make it as "Google Beijing Logo Blog".
Till 15th August, 2008 we saw Google Beijing 2008 Olympic Games "Opening Day" logo, "Cycling Logo", "Weightlifting Logo", "Diving Logo", "Rhythm Logo", "Rings Logo", "BasketBall" and "Badminton"logo on Google.
Today (16th Aug,2008) - theme for Google Logo is "Rowing"

Beijing Olympics 2008 - "ROWING" Logo on Google Search Home Page
Keep visiting TopRankSEO blog for all latest and updated Google search home page "Beijing Olympic Game Google Logo"
Check out previous Bejing 2008 Olympic Games Google Logo's by visiting:-
Afzal Khan