Beijing Olympics Game 2008, Closing Ceremony Google Logo
Source: Wikipedia
The 2008 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony concluded the Beijing Games on August 24, 2008. It began at 8:00pm China Standard Time (UTC+8), and took place at the Beijing National Stadium.
The Ceremony included the handover of the games from Beijing to London. Guo Jinlong, the Mayor of Beijing handed over the Olympic flag to the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, followed by a performance by the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG)
With closing of Beijing 2008 Games Olympic focus is now shifted from Beijing 2008 to London 2012. Google has also displaying it's ususal trademark logo on their search home page. It was all excited journey to display collection of Google Sport theme Logo during Bejijng Olympics on TopRankSEOBlog.com
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Here is the link to view all Google Logo's during Beijing Olympics Game.
Afzal Khan