Showing posts with label Professional-Indian-Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Professional-Indian-Blogger. Show all posts

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

I am going to be part of this! What about You - It's Blogger's call
Together, I know we can raise awareness and prove bloggers can do good! Raise your voice as an Blogger.

Join Bloggers Unite For Human Rights On May 15!

Thanks to you, May marks the first anniversary of Bloggers Unite and this time we're launching an awareness campaign chosen by BlogCatalog members. On May 15, let's unite for human rights and make a statement that all people are born with basic rights and freedoms - life, liberty, and justice!

On May 15th 2008, let's come together and all blog about Human Rights. There are dozens and dozens of human rights issues that you can write about. The one you choose is up to you.

Topics to Consider

  • The wrongful imprisonment of journalists covering assemblies.
  • Governments that ignore the plight of citizens left tot he mercy of gangs.
  • The censorship of the Internet in order to prevent freedom of expression.
  • Harsh punishments that include torture, forced labor, and starvation.
  • Sexual assault against women by members of military or militia.

Learn More About Human Rights

There are many organizations that promote human rights and work to protect people. We've picked three to help you learn more and find breaking topics.

  • Amnesty International ( is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. They work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity.
  • Human Right Watch ( is dedicated to protecting human rights of people around the world. They stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, uphold political freedom, protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice.
  • Youth For Human Rights ( is an independent non-profit that educates people about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so they become valuable advocates for tolerance and peace.

We have an entire group discussion dedicated to Bloggers Unite ( where you can add more organizations that you think are worth including.

How To Join Bloggers Unite!

To join, simply visit the Bloggers Unite page ( to get more information. Then, on Thursday, May 15th, write a blog post that shares awareness about human rights.

Your blog post could:

  • Have the title "Bloggers Unite For Human Rights" (or some variation).
  • include an example of human rights so people can learn about it.
  • Explain the importance of human rights and how it applies to everyone.
  • Link to one of the sites we've listed or the most suitable site for your country.
  • And add a link to our BlogCatalog Community Human Rights Awareness Campaign page so we can give you and your blog credit for being part of it.

If you have any questions, please e-mail And please, don't forget to tell your friends to blog about this too. Together, I know we can raise awareness and prove bloggers can do good!

Afzal Khan
Professional Blogger - Proud Member BlogCatalog Community Human Rights Awareness Campaign

First Post of Year 2008 - Professional Internet Mareketing & SEO/SEM Experts Blog

I am back here with First Blog post for Year 2008. After receiving many emails from blog readers who visitis my ToprankBlog and requested me to write a post, it feels good when my readers ask me to write something & they enjoy reading all those stuff. On my part I want to inform you all Folks that I was very busy all these days with my job and other important ventures.

And what a great node to start with recognition and feedbacks received from People all over from Internet who doesn't belongs to Internet Marketing Communtiy. Here is what I want to share with you all.

Ranjan Varma - Well known blogger & author writing articles about Business Management and Personal Finance.

News which I want to share is he has listed my Blog posts on his "My Top Blog Posts of 2007"

My Top India Blog Posts 2007 are (not necessarily in any order, all of them are fabulous!)
The Journey Within by Rashmi Bansal.
United Colors of India by Deepta Kirti. Gautam Ghosh pointed this one out to me.
30 by 30 by Gaurav Mishra is audacious.
On Indian Journalism by Atanu Dey
In defence of blogging by Amit Varma
The middle muddle of Indian monetary policy by Ajay Shah
Tell me your dreams by Ideasmithy
Listen, let me tell you a secret by Melody Laila.
A political game show by Amit Varma again.
Trust you with my money? I don't think so! by Sidin Vadukut.
Narayan Murthy's view on staying late in office by Afzal Khan.
The age of profound ignorance by Atanu Dey
A rant on writing by Neha Vishwanathan
Build a successful blog by the poster boy of India blogging, Amit Agarwal.
Coase and Kansa by Aadisht.
Every experience is designed to make you stronger! by Melody Laila.

And if you want to learn & know more about of financial information and investment tools visit his Ranjan Varma's Blog at

Have Fun & Keep Blogging.

Afzal Khan
Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional

Ranking at No- in Google for "Professional Indian Blogger", "SEM Experts Resume", "SEO Expert Resume", "PPC expert resumes", "SEO SEM PPC Expert", "Google Algorithm Expert India", "Resume of SEM Professionals", "Web 2.0 Google Top Ranking", "Indian Twitter Directory", "Blogspot Directory", "Professional Bloggers Directory", "Bloggers Worldwide"