Youtube Promoted Videos - Paid Videos to Drive Awareness & Conversion

Now you can use Youtube to promote your videos about business or any other service offerings. Similar to Google Adwords, Google expands scope for Organizations/Businesses help in advertising to YouTube, consider using YouTube Promoted Videos.

All features on YouTube Promoted Videos are similar to traditional Adwords, where you will have full control in your hand. You can decide where you'd like your videos to appear on YouTube, place bids in an automated online auction, and set daily spending budgets etc are some key feautures.

In addition last week Google has also launched "Call-to-Action" a fairly new feature that allows you to add a clickable overlay to your Promoted Videos at Youtube.

Learn more about this new conversion feature of by visiting the recently launched YouTube Biz Blog. To start using Promoted Videos today, visit

Inside AdWords: Use YouTube to drive awareness and conversions


Afzal Khan


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