Twitter Election 2008 - Twitter Jumps into US Presidential Election 2008

Finally Twitter has Launched Election Site ( which displays Tweets from all Twitter user's those who have updated any information related to Election 2008 in their tweet messages.

Twitter Election is the result of functionality which twitter were using on Twitter Search Engine.

Twitter Election Site highlights the messages posted on Twitter related to Barack Obama, John McCain, Joe Biden, Sarah Palin and all other election related topics.

If you too want to follow update's from Barack Obama or JohnMcCain, join them by clicking

Twitter is promoting "Election 2008" by displaying it at top of slot of Twitter user's home page.

Screen Shot below:-

Screen shot of Twitter Election 2008 website

If you like this blog post and want to follow my tweet updated add me -

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Afzal Khan

Search Engine Marketing Professional

Yahoo Glue Pages - Review on Glue Page Search Result in Yahoo! India

If you ever thought of Single Click Internet Search then Yahoo! Glue - Web Search is for you.

Yahoo has launched new search portal in India a couple of days ago, new search results portal page is given name as "Glue Pages" which is in Beta stage.

Screen shot of Yahoo India Glue search page how it looks like and you can visit it by clicking Yahoo Glue Pages India.

I am die hard lover of Google Search Engine, but Yahoo Glue pages certainly leaping over other search engines. Yahoo India Glue is certainly is an step of making your search easy, local, relevant and focused where you don't have to jump over different different websites. Yahoo Glue pages are catering all possible information at single web page.

Whether you are looking for web search result, images, maps, wikipedia, video results, RSS feeds, blog articles, news resources, stock result, sponsored advertisements, Yahoo Answers or Youtube videos, Google Blog articles, Yahoo image search or Yahoo maps evertyhing is available at one place!

Yahoo Glue pages will make your search a single stop webpage by displaying every possible results available over Internet. You can find usual Yahoo! India search or classic search results along with Yahoo India Glue Search.

Screen shot of complete Yahoo Glue page search for "India" is as below where you can see what all Yahoo is catering for it's users to make their internet search experience as smooth as possible.

If you ask my views I'll say I am very much impressed with Yahoo Glue Pages. I am sure Glue beta test will be successful and eventually Yahoo will decide to implement Glue Pages on international Yahoo search portal soon.

So get ready for ultimate internet search experience offered by Yahoo Glue Pages which focus to produce results from multiple platforms.

If you like this post subscribe to TopRankSEOBlog RSS feeds; enrolling yourself at


Afzal Khan

Search Engine Marketing Professional

Google Co-founder Sergey Brin makes debut to Blogging

Google Co-founder Sergey Brin makes his debut to Blogosphere and has started his personal blog called simply "TOO". Sergey Brin

In his first ever Blog post he writes - "Welcome to my personal blog. While Google is a play on googol, too is a play on the much smaller number - two. It also means "in addition", as this blog reflects my life outside of work". This first post by Sergey Brin has been published on Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 12:00 PM.

In his blog post Brin wrote of his mother being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and how testing by 23andMe, a company started by his wife Anne Wojcicki, shows he has a gene mutation that "markedly" increases his chances of getting the illness.

I got this news from Google AFP news, you can view full article by clicking here and don't forget to subscribe for TopRankSEOBlog RSS feeds by enrolling at

As we have seen Google search home page which is very simple in design and other aspect, the same is with "Sergey Brin" new blog "TOO" the only difference is of background color which is Black with Blue heading and text color instead of Google's simple white background.

I feel Google Co-founder Sergey Brin is somewhat inspired and like's color combination of CUIL search engine. You can check out by yourself by checking TOO & CUIL

CUIL Search Engine
Sergey Brin Blog - TOO


Afzal Khan

Search Engine Marketing Professional

Google Blogger added new feature - "Follow your favorite blogs"

On 10th September, 2008 Google Blogger Team introduced a new feature for Blogger user's "Follow your favorite blogs" that lets you easily follow your favorite blogs and tell the world that you’re a fan.

Many Social Networking web site's like BlogCatalog, Stumbleupon offers such community building service to online users. Mybloglog (YAHOO) pioneer in offering this facility where mybloglog users can show up their community and follower's by displaying Mybloglog Widgets on website/blog.

Micro-blogging site Twitter also shows up such statistic's on Number of Follower's, Number of people you are following on and your tweet updates.

Good to hear that Google has realised potential of Web 2.0 and by adding new feature "Follow your favorite blogs" on Blogger indicates that Google team is moving towards social networking.

Google Blog: Follow your favorite blogs
How to Use "Follow your favorite blogs" on Blogger:-

To follow a blog with the Followers' Gadget, simply click the “Follow This Blog” link. You can show your support for the blog by following it right from your Blogger Dashboard or in Google Reader.

Following isn't just for bloggers, it's also designed to make it easier for readers to keep tabs on their favorite blogs.

In addition, you can easily check out what blogs other fans are writing and following - you might even find another blog you’ll want to add to your reading list. And by the way, you can follow any blog, even if it isn't hosted on Blogger or doesn't have the Followers gadget. Just go to your Reading List in your Blogger Dashboard, click the “Add” button, and type in the blog’s URL. And you can even import existing subscriptions from Google Reader.

So start following your favorite blogs. If you like TopRankSEOBlog you can follow it too.......:-)

And.... there's more to come! Google is also in the process of integrating with Google Friend Connect so you can give your readers more engaging social features. For more details about what Google have launched, check out the help articles here:


Afzal Khan

TopRankSEO Blog "Google Olympics Logo" on Seomoz - Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/24/08

On thursday (8/28/08), SEOmoz Staff member Rebecca posted "Roundup post for the Week" focus on Stories, news, and other notable items around the world from the past week.

Top Rank SEO "Google Olympics Logo Collections" is included under Four star links:

Top Rank SEO has an archive of Google's Beijing Olympics logos--check them out if you missed any!

Check out "Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/24/08" posted by Rebecca at


Afzal Khan

Search Engine Marketing Professionals - Google position number 5 for ranking at # 5 position for "Search Engine Marketing Professional"

It is known in SEO industry expertise and skills of SEO professional is measured if he is able to achieve top-10 positions without over-promising. Importantly to follow only white hat SEO practices and apply techniques according to Search Engine Guidelines.

To prove and show my SEO capabilities I was targeting to rank for one of the most competitive and very tough keyword “Search Engine Marketing Professional” . I have optimized my website especially to target this keyword and was working to bring my website positioned in top-10 SERP’s results.

Today, I am excited to share that I am ranking in Position # 5 for “Search Engine Marketing Professional” below is screenshot taken on 28th August, 2008 strongly showing my SEO skills.

Search Engine Marketing Professionals -
I have published the rankings for some of my keywords at


Afzal Khan

Should a SEO Company Declare Its "SEO Code of Ethics"? - Discussion started by HARITH over

Should a SEO Company Declare Its "SEO Code of Ethics"?

Thought awakening discussion started from Harith on declaring "SEO Code of Ethics". I guess many of we Organic & Ethical SEO Professionals where also thinking in the similar direction but overall appreciated effort by Harith in starting over....

Synopsis of Sphinn Discussion -

Its no secrete that the reputation of the SEO industry isn't as many of us wish it to be. The term "snake-oil salesman" has been used few times to describe our industry, unfortunately.

It might be therefore we see some responsible SEO companies found themselves in a position where posting a declaration of a "SEO Code of Ethics" on their sites has been a necessity rather than a luxury. The more the clients and employers (in case In-House SEOes) become SEO-educated the more they would demand of the SEOes to declare, follow and be responsible of a set of "SEO Code of Ethics" which insures the quality, and safety (not to be penalized by search engines) of the SEO works conducted on their sites.

Unfortunately, I have noticed that there is no consensus yet within the industry upon what such "SEO Code of Ethics" to cover and contains.

Click on SEO Code of Ethics
to be part of this hot discussion or visit directly to

Below is my views and comment made over this post

from you 13 hours ago Votes: 1

It is good for companies to declare their "SEO Code of Ethics" on their website but what about those who even after declaring "SEO Code of Ethics" will follow and use un-ethical practices to make their clients fool!

To impress clients all such companies use heavy heavy industry terms and promise guarantee client to deliver No-1 rankings in google either by showing them Sponsered Ad's or implementing some black hat techniques. I can't imagine what all are the things such people do to get customers.

I got fade up dealing with customer's who have looted by so called SEO people. I prefer better not to have any Client's but never will keep people in DARK.

I guess we need to first black list and identify all such SEO firms/Professionals who spoils and ruining name of SEO Industry.

People who want SEO or looking for SEO companies need to educate themselves and understand the real meaning of SEO. I found many SEO Companies and Experts claiming themselves as the best SEO professional but on looking at their back ground they even doesnt know "S" of search engine optimization. All these sites uses *fake screenshots* and *bogus testimonials* claiming to be SEO leader.

It is our task to educate people first that SEO is not that your website will get top position very next day or whatever the fake promises people are doing!

Morever I beleive even after claiming "SEO Code of Ethics" it's individual SEO professional inner voice & individual oath that he/she will follow ethical, honest and best practices to help his Clients not for just making money by following illegimit, un-ethical & spammy practices.

Participate on
SEO Code of Ethics

Follow me at Sphinn


Afzal Khan aka Afzee

Google Logo OLYMPIC Closing Ceremonies August 24 2008 - Beijing Olympics Game

Beijing 2008 Olympics Game closing Ceremony logo on Google search home page.

Beijing Olympics Game Closing - Google Logo

Beijing Olympics Game 2008, Closing Ceremony Google Logo

Source: Wikipedia
The 2008 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony concluded the Beijing Games on August 24, 2008. It began at 8:00pm China Standard Time (UTC+8), and took place at the Beijing National Stadium.
The Ceremony included the handover of the games from Beijing to London. Guo Jinlong, the Mayor of Beijing handed over the Olympic flag to the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, followed by a performance by the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG)

With closing of Beijing 2008 Games Olympic focus is now shifted from Beijing 2008 to London 2012. Google has also displaying it's ususal trademark logo on their search home page. It was all excited journey to display collection of Google Sport theme Logo during Bejijng Olympics on

With promise to all my readers, I am saying Asta La Vista for Beijing Olympics Google Logo and will meet for some more excited Google logo during London Olympics 2012.

Meantime keep visiting for all latest Online marketing tips and guides and don't forget to subscribe for the RSS feed.

Here is the link to view all Google Logo's during Beijing Olympics Game.


Afzal Khan

Google Baseball Logo on 22nd August - Beijing Olympics Game Baseball Logo

Beijing Olympics "Baseball Logo" on Google Search Home Page as on 22nd August, 2008.

Google has picked "Baseball" as today's sports logo theme to display on their search home page globally.

Google Baseball Logo - Beijing Olympics Game

Beijing 2008 Olympics Game - "Baseball Logo" on Google Search Home Page

Keep visiting TopRankSEO blog for all latest and updated Google search home page "Beijing Olympic Game Google Logo"

Click here to check out previous Google Home Page Beijing Olympics Games Logos.


Afzal Khan

Search Engine Marketing Professional

Google Martial Arts Logo on 21st August - Beijing Olympics Game MartialArts Logo

Beijing Olympics "Martial Arts Logo" on Google Search Home Page as on 21st August, 2008.

Google has picked "Martial Arts" as today's sports logo theme to display on their search home page globally.

Beijing Olympics Game 2008 - Martial Arts Google Logo

Beijing 2008 Olympics Game - "Martial Art" Logo on Google Search Home Page

Keep visiting TopRankSEO blog for all latest and updated Google search home page "Beijing Olympic Game Google Logo"

Click here to check out previous Google Home Page Beijing Olympics Games Logos.


Afzal Khan

Search Engine Marketing Professional