Google PRV (Page Rank Value) Update - 26th October 2007

Finally much awaited Google PRV update is complete. Every one in SEO feild was waited much & created hype for this PR update. Some has been awarded & many of them gone down in their credibility according to Google Backlink Score Software (Page Rank Value).

I was also waiting for this update to see how my blogs & website are going to score this time. It was almost 3 months I was waiting for Google PR update, but at the end all of mine efforts have been paid out by Google.

Also there is an talk in Search Industry that Google PR doesn't stands now a days. For you guys I can say it's the backbone of Google success, which leds Google search results so meaningful only because of this backlink scoring software (aka PRV). How important Page Rank (PRV) is for your website. Not very important, but it also had major share in offering Google rankings. You can get indepth about Google PR from official google source Mattcutts Blog.

PageRank™ (PR)
PageRank is Google’s ranking software that calculates the relevance of a webpage to the search keywords entered. The software analyses both the number of incoming links and the ‘quality’ of the referring webpage to generate a relative measurement between 0 (low-relevance) and 10 (high-relevance). (The ‘quality’ of the referring webpage is an abstract measure of how authoritative it is on the subject matter.)

Improved Page Rank for my website & blogs:
I had seen very strict steps taken from Google for October 2007 PR Updates. Luckily Google has paid for my hardwork by giving good page rank value for my blogs. - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 3. - PRV increased from 5 to 6. - PRV increased from 1 to 2. - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2. - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2. PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2. - PRV increased from Zero(0) to 2.

I am waiting to see some more changes.

Search Engine Marketing/Optimization Event in Chennai, India

Howdy Folks,

Here's an great news for all Search Engine Optimization/Marketing Professionals in India. With kind efforts SEO experts from Chennai are going to organize an event to discuss latest trends of Search Industry. It's an one of its kind of event organised for first time in India. I wish every SEO/SEM professional, PPC Expert, Professional Blogger, Internet Marketing Expert in India attentd this event, it will be an great boost in your career.

SearchCamp is a two day event aimed to bring together the best minds from the Search Engine Marketing space to talk about search engine advertising, including optimization and marketing issues. This event is the first of its kind in India and will feature workshops, debates and keynotes on the present state and evolution of Search Engine Marketing.

When & Where?
The event is scheduled for the 6th & 7th of October 2007, and the venue is at the Main Auditorium, Tidel Park, Chennai.

The Event starts at 9 a.m, with Registration and a Light Breakfast.

Get more in-depth latest news about this event by visiting

Looking forward to see you guys.

Ranking # 1 in for "Professional Indian Blogger", "SEO Expert Resume", "SEO/SEM Experts Resume", PPC Experts Resume"

Internet Marketing & SEO/SEM Professional
$ I breathe, eat & sleep online@marketing $


Web 2.O Marketing - Social Media Marketing

Web 2.0 - What You Need to Know

By Michael Fleischner | Internet Marketing Expert*

By now you've heard the term "Web 2.0"... but what does it mean and why is it important for all marketers? Here's a quick explanation and my thoughts on the importance of the Web 2.0 movement.

"Web 2.0" is a weird phrase. It began as the name of a conference, but the people organizing the conference didn't really know what they meant by it. Mostly they thought it sounded catchy. However, "Web 2.0" has since taken on a meaning. There are some interesting new trends on the Web, and it's the nature of a phrase like that to adhere to them.

From what I can gather, Web 2.0 is all about the social networks being created on the web. Websites like Digg, MySpace, Flickr, Blogger, Wikis, etc. are all operating inside this bubble we call Web 2.0. If you want a really detailed explanation of Web 2.0, visit the site that started it all at I'll save you a lot of reading... it's complicated – but incredibly simple at the same time.

Web 2.0 simply defines the evolution of the world wide web. It describes the Internet as it was intended to be - a resource that allows for information creation, sharing, and dissemination. Why is this important to us as marketers? Because marketing is all about WOM (you guessed it, "Word-of-Mouth"), building brand, and communicating your message.

If you've been following the blogging circles lately, you’ve not doubt heard of the latest controversy- blogging for payment. The idea that someone would actually pay you to blog about their products or services would only be possible in the Web 2.0 world. Yet it’s indicative of Web 2.0. In this environment its all about information sharing, ideas, and communities with similar likes and dislikes.

The viral nature of Web 2.0 is contagious. Just visit Digg or and you'll soon find out what I'm talking about. As a marketer in this environment, you have to understand the importance of viral marketing and managing your marketing messages - even creating a buzz around your products.

Some of the leading brands have been doing this for ages… Nike giving away their sneakers to the best athlete at a school; PowerBar giving away samples to athletes, and so on. The only thing that’s changed with Web 2.0 is vehicle. In addition to ‘feet-on-the-street’, there are now online tools – communities that are available to spread your message.

Developing a Strategy

The best way to utilize this new technology is to really understand the value that each has to offer. Begin with a clear understanding of your desired outcome. Then, consider the tools in your tool box. For example, if you want to communicate how customers feel about a given topic or issue, maybe you want to blog about it… or conduct an interview via a podcast.

You should approach your Web 2.0 with the same strategy you use when developing your traditional marketing plan. An integrated approach always works best. Regardless of the vehicle, apply the same basic marketing standards you do today. Use messaging points, create value, and segment.

*Michael Fleischner is anInternet
marketing expert
and the President of He has more than 12 years of marketing experience and had appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. Visit for further details and more free marketing articles.

Article posted on this blog by Afzal Khan. 
Internet marketing & SEO Professional

India Celebrating it's 60th Year of Independence

India Celebrating it's 60th Year of Independence - Collection of logo's displayed on various website on 15th Augus 2007 to remark Independence Day Celebration

Google India

Orkut India

Yahoo India

Yahoo Mail Sign up

Rediff Mail Logo

Indiainfo Mail

Jai Hind

How to create Google Sitemap & Yahoo Sitemap.

Create a Google Sitemap for your Web Site
Copyright Herman Drost
Posted on this blog by Afzal Khan

Google Sitemaps is a simple and fast way for your site to be constantly indexed and updated by Google.

This article will discuss the benefits of implementing this new technology, who should use it, how it works and how to create a Google Sitemap for your web site.

Benefits of having a Google Site Map

1. Speeds up the discovery and addition of your web pages in the Google index.

2. Enables Google to quickly find web pages that have been recently changed.

3. A method for your site to be listed and appear quickly in Google.

4. Helps Google to keep search content fresh, so people have the most up to date information available.

Who should use Google Sitemaps?

All site owners can use Google sitemaps whether you have one page or millions of pages, however it's mostly geared towards people that make frequent changes to their web pages.

Normally web pages on a large site will not all get indexed because the links are too deep within the site. By including all your pages in the Google Sitemap you have a better chance of them all being indexed as Google thrives on fresh content. According to Google, it won't increase your site's rankings.

How does it work?
Google sitemaps are created using XML (Extensible Markup Language). This is a coding language similar to HTML(though a little more complex). It is often used these days in syndicated feeds or blogs.

Here is the sample XML code you would include for each page of your site:
<.url><.br ><.loc><./loc>
<. changefreq >monthly<./changefreq>
<.priority >0.5 <./priority>

Here is a breakdown of what each line represents:
location - name of your webpage ie
last modified - when you last modified the page.
change frequency - tells Google how often you modify that particular page, whether it's never, weekly, daily, hourly, monthly or yearly.
priority - sets the priority you want Google to place for that page on your site. You can prioritize your pages: 0.0 being the least, 1.0 being the highest, 0.5 is in the middle.

This is only relative to your site. It will not affect your rankings. Certain pages on your site may have more significance than others because they are updated more
often ie home page, articles page.

How to Create a Dynamic Google SiteMap XML File
It would take a long time to create your Google Sitemap by hand especially if you have a site that contains 1000s of pages.

Fortunately Google provides the Sitemap Generator that allows you to generate a sitemap very quickly. It's a Python script that creates a Sitemap for your site using
the Sitemap Protocol. This script can create Sitemaps from URL lists, web server directories, or from access logs.

You can read more about it here:

Other Sitemap Generators.
Google has also compiled a list of third party generators.

Personally I use the free sitemap generator It's simple to use and quickly produces the necessary XML code for your site.

Here are the steps on how to create your Sitemap using this free Sitemap Generator:

1. Go to and enter your site's address.
2. Copy the code that it generates for your site and paste it into notepad.
3. Save the text file as sitemap.xml
4. Upload this file to the root directory (same place as your home page) of your web server.
5. Open up a Google Site Map account and submit your site's address.
6. Every time you modify a page or pages, login to your Google account and click on the resubmit button.
7. Repeat this procedure for all of your web sites.


Google is still the largest and most accessed search engine on Net. Each year millions of web sites get added to Google making your site harder to find. Creating a Google Sitemap will help your web pages stay fresh in Google's index.
Herman Drost is a Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
and owner of
Web Site Design, Web Hosting, Web Site Promotion

Author of “Marketing Tips” newsletter.


Article posted on this blog by Internet marketing & SEO Professional Afzal Khan

Ranking for my Blogs as on 28th June, 2007

Yahoo!!! Rankings

Google Rankings for "SEO Expert Resume Blog"

My SEO Expert Resumes ranking on 2nd position in Google for keyphrase "SEO Expert Resumes & SEO Expert Resume Blog" Since I had optimized this blog to get rank at # 1 in Google, so I am not concerned much about Yahoo, MSN or other search engine rankings. As far my experience says, if you can bring your site or blog ranking on Google, you can achieve that so easily on other search engines. Although every site is optimized based on target search engines, since every search engine is having their own Algorithm to provide rankings. Like Google & Yahoo the both displays different results altogether for same Keyword, also no official from these Search Engines reveals their algorithm. It's all about reading articles & keeping watch on latest trends from Search Engine World, and most importantly it's the result displayed by search engines for my other Client's website. It's all about dedicating myself for search engines and applying that knowledge which I gained from various pros & cons.

Do check my other Blogs for which I am sure to achieve better rankings soon.

Listof All Bloggers - An attempt to make collection of blogger's Submit your lists for publication on Afzal-Khan LISTOFF! If they're funny enough, smart enough, and creative enough, you'll see your very own list crediting YOU and YOUR BLOG. Send lists to: On your mark, see you at: Afzal-Khan LISTOFF! Blog.

Internet Marketing & SEO Professional Resume

Explore Some Rare Collection of Indian Pictures

Collection of My photographs taken on various outings.

SEO Competition Blog

Blogspot domains blocked in India!

Hey Folks!!!

Recently came to know about a very sad news for Indian Bloggers, those who are using blogger as a main platform for Blogging.

Blogs are blocked in India

Well I certainly don't think that
have been blocked in India. I am able to access my blogs daily and not faced as such trouble in using that yet. Might be Indian Government is tried to block in some region/state. Which is also right, coz many terrorist are using such facilities in communicating with each other. Like wise reports has also coming to banned in stopping terrorist hijacking identity of innocent users. But whatever the reason may be, it has been reported by many prominent & Professional Indian Bloggers & raised the issue of this problem.

I am also with them, coz no body has right of stopping Blogger's to write & publish their views. It has become an daily routine for every Blogger & without blogging, it seems something missing in my life. Every Indian blogger or rather say every Blogger is against such step.

I am quoting down the Article which I found through search.

Well, recently internet users in India are not able to access those blogs which are hosted by blogspot or have a domain name which ends with

Jason Goldman has confirmed this in the Blogger Buzz and if that is the case then this is a very serious issue as many well know bloggers from India use Blogger as their blog platform.

Well, people are not sure about the reasons for the block and everybody is keen to know the reasons of it and some of them are relating the ban to the Mumbai Blasts.

Well, whatever the reasons are for the ban, I am sure that Google will try its level best to take this Ban away because they are finding India as one of the biggest sector and customer base in almost every service they are offering.

Also one the first Professional Indian blogger Mr. Amit Agrawal has also quoted and raised his voice against blocking of blogger and other Blog hosting sites in India.

I am very much impressed by him and regularly reading his blog at Digital Point. He has came up with great resource and alternative solution to read Blocked blogs in India. Great efforts dude, you can read the whole article at Blogspot Blogs Banned in India: Read Tricks To Access Blocked Websites

Article Written & Published on this Blog by

Afzal Khan
Internet Marketing & SEO Professional
E-mail :
View Resume Online : Afzal Khan - Internet Marketing & SEO Professional Resume

Technorati Profile

NOTE: The articles are copyrighted to Afzal Khan and can only be reproduced or published on other sites's given the author's permission. Drop an e-mail to for permission

Narayana Murthy's views on staying late in the office

Dear All

An Office Employee must read the below............

Narayana Murthy's views on staying late in the office

It's half past 8 in the office but the lights are still on... PCs still running, coffee machines still buzzing... and who's at work? Most of them??? Take a closer look...

All or most specimens are ??-something male species of the human race...

Look closer... again all or most of them are bachelors... and why are they sitting late? Working hard? No way!!! Any guesses???

Let's ask one of them...

Here's what he says... "What's there 2 do after going home... here we
get to surf, AC, phone, food, coff ee.. that is why I am working late...
importantly no bossssssss!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the scene in most research centers and software companies and other off-shore offices.

Bachelors "time-passing" during late hours in the office just bcoz they
say they've nothing else to do...

Now what r the consequences... read on...

"Working"(for the record only) late hours soon becomes part of the institute or company culture.

With bosses more than eage r to provide support to those "working" late in the form of taxi vouchers, food vouchers and of course good feedback,(oh, he's a hard worker... goes home only to change..!!).They aren't helping things too... To hell with bosses who don't understan d the difference between "sitting" late and "working" late!!!

Very soon, the boss start expecting all employees to put in extra working hours.

So, My dear Bachelors let me tell you, life changes when u get married and start having a family .. office is no longer a priority, family is...and that's when the problem starts... becoz u start having commitments at home too.

For your boss, the earlier "hardworking" guy suddenly seems to become a "early leaver" even if u leave an hour after regulartime... after doing the same amount of work.

People leaving on time after doing their tasks for the day are labeled as work-shirkers...

Girls who thankfully always (its changing nowa days... though) leave on time are labeled as "not up to it". All the while, the bachelors pat their own backs and carry on "working" not realizing that they r spoiling the work culture at their own place and never realize that they wuld have to regret at one point of time.

* So what's the moral of the story?? *
* Very clear, LEAVE ON TIME!!!
* Never put in extra time " *unless really needed *"
* Don't stay back un-necessarily and spoil your company work culture which will in turn cause inconvenience to you and your colleagues.

Learn music...
Learn a foreign language...
try a sport... TT, cricket.........importantly Get a guy friend or gal friend, take him/her around town...

* And for heaven's sake net cafe rates have dropped to an all-time low
(plus, no fire-walls) and try cooking for a change.

Take a tip from the Smirnoff ad: *"Life's calling, where are you??"*
Please pass on this message to all those colleagues And please do it
before leaving time, don't stay back till midnight to forward this!!!



Joining Hexaware Technologies

After a long, I am back to my favorite job!!!.....guess what???.............writing my own Article… give me an immense pleasure & satisfaction to write something about what’s going at the back of mind. Really was waiting for such news where I can write something creative and absolutely fresh, apart from the articles which I write daily related to my work & job profile.

Gosh….Finally got the subject to write & share with all you people…at first stance you all are stranger to me. Very few of people I knew who read my Blog on a regular basis. But Who Cares…if I feel jotting down the things and publishing it on my Blog to share with whole online community gives me an satisfaction of that someone out here is appreciating & reading my article….is more than enough for me. Even, someone who is stranger to me right now…..can be my friend at some stage of life!!!....What you say???
Well..well..well…it’s all about for my mental satisfaction……
Now what is the news for which I have been propelling writing an article? So, here comes the news …m goanna join Hexaware Technologies at their Chennai office. Counting now my notice period days at SEOValley, which are very boring to pastime, but I am more excited and willing to start a new face in my career.

Before, I go further jotting down the things; here is some information about Hexaware Technologies.


Hexaware Technologies Ltd is a Specialist provider of IT and BPO services. Hexaware employ more than 5500 employees across 21 offices located in USA, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Having development centres in Mumbai, Chennai and Pune and a Near-shore centre in Bad Homburg, Germany. For the year 2005, Hexaware posted $ 153.77 mn in revenue and $20.72 mn in net profits.

The Company believes in creating a Fun@Work atmosphere. This environment enabled Hexaware to be ranked as one of the Best Employers by a DQ-IDC survey. The Survey ranked Hexaware 6th on overall satisfaction and on many parameters like Power of Retention (#2), Job Content (#4), Salary (#8) and Dream Company (#9).

Hexaware services more than 140 global clients, one of every three being a Fortune 500 / Global 500. Attaining Leadership position in focused areas, Hexaware has extensive experience in managing large IT applications in real time as well as in
providing high value services around packaged enterprise applications such as SAP and PeopleSoft, Enterprise Solutions, Product Engineering, Testing Services, Business Intelligence and Business Applications.

We are leaders in Airlines IT, HR-IT and recognized for our services in other key verticals like BFSI and Healthcare.

Our development centers are assessed at SEI CMMI-Level 5, and are also ISO 9001:2000 and TickIT certified. These help us to continually provide high value, high quality deliverables to our clients. We have consistently delivered to client expectations and have established long lasting relationships with them.

Information Source: Hexaware Technologies


Definitely it’s like a dream come true to get hired by one of the Giant Company in IT Marketing. Soon after my Engineering, I was dreaming to work for some of the top-notch companies in country, which is having its own brand value. As there is a saying in Hindi “Intezar ka fal meetha hota hain” & I was waiting from last 5 years to get this opportunity. Even it is not like this the companies where I had worked for during my 5 year working period were not good. They all are also excelling and having its own value but they are limited to small region, also the infrastructure, employee strength and other facilities are limited to small scale. And I am privileged to work with them, after all when I was not having any experience & worth all these companies gave me the chance to prove my abilities and brought me to this level. I am thankful to all of them for helping me & nurturing me through out during this learning period.

But now it’s the time to step forward and show the capabilities, patience of working with minimum resource, working under extreme pressure which I had learnt all from these companies. It will provide me an edge to work for Hexaware Technologies with more power and progress on the ladder of success.

I hope to deliver my best of the best & meet the expectation which Hexaware Technologies is having from my end.

Wish me good luck!!!

Thanks & Regards

Afzal Khan