Samuel Morse - Google Displays Samuel Morse Logo, Samuel Morse Birthday

Samuel Morse - Google Displays Samuel Morse Logo, Samuel Morse Birthday 28th April, 2009

Google Celebrates Samuel Morse birthday and displays it at Google search home page as on 28th April, 2009

Google new logo is in honor's to celebrate Samuel Morse Birthday.

Samuel Morse Google LogoSamuel Morse Profile Information & Picture Source Wikipedia

Samuel Finlay Breese Morse (April 27, 1791 – April 2, 1872) was the American creator of a single-wire telegraph system and Morse code and (less notably) a painter of historic scenes.

Samuel F. B. Morse

Samuel Finley Breese Morse, ca. 1845
Born April 27, 1791(1791-04-27)
Charlestown, Massachusetts
Died April 2, 1872 (aged 80)
5 West 22nd Street, New York City, New York
Occupation Painter, and Inventor
Known for Morse code
Spouse(s) Lucretia Pickering Walker and Sarah Elizabeth Griswold

Check out Google Search Home Page Logo's previous occasions when Google has honored & displayed logos.


Afzal Khan

sulumits retsambew - SEO Contest Entry
sulumits retsambew - Top Rank SEO Blog

Sulumits Retsambew - Google Algorithm Test for sulumits retsambew

sulumits retsambew - Sulumits Retsambew Test 2009 - Presentation Transcript

Slide 1--> Sulumits Retsambew
  • Google Algorithm Test for sulumits retsambew
Slide 2--> Sulumits Retsambew Test
  • Sulumits Retsambew - Testing Google as well as,,,,,,, Google KNOL & many other Web 2.O sites to rank #1 for "Sulumits Retsambew" in Google.
Slide 3--> Sulumits Retsambew Entries
  • Sulumits retsambew -
  • Sulumits retsambew @ Twitter -
  • Sulumits retsambew @ KNOL by Afzal Khan -
  • Sulumits retsambew @ Slideshare -
  • Sulumits retsambew @ TopRankSEO Blog -
Slide 4--> Sulumits Retsambew Entries
  • Sulumits retsambew @ Docstoc - @ Docstoc -
  • Sulumits retsambew @ Hubpages -
  • Sulumits retsambew @ Squidoo -
  • Sulumits retsambew @ SEO-Guy Forum - =4c8ea646414b02d41a6f4e2512b0e002&p=116830#post116830
Slide 5--> Sulumits Retsambew Test
  • New Slideshare Entry to test sulumits retsambew -
  • Visit for more updates over sulumits retsambew SEO contest 2009.
Thank YOU!

Afzal Khan

Sulumits Retsambew - SEO Contest Entry by Afzal Khan

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Sulumits Retsambew - My Participation to Sulumits Retsambew 2009 SEO Contest

One of the greatest SEO contest for 2009 is announced, Will Spencer Administrator & Owner of NetBuilders.Org has officially declared SEO contest on 09th March, 2009 and named it as “Sulumits Retsambew SEO Contest”.

The prime objective of Sulumits Retsambew SEO Contest is to test the Google Algorithm, the factors which Google consider and look into awarding Top Search Engine Rankings for any website over specific search keyword phrase like for this SEO contest is Sulumits Retsambew.

It will be pretty interesting to watch who will outperform and win Sulumits Retsambew SEO Contest. I am also taking part for Sulumits Retsambew

Check out my strategies for Sulumits Retsambew SEO Contest 2009:-

1. Sulumits Retsambew - Day 1
2. Sulumits Retsambew - Day 2

If all this sound’s great to you please join along with me to Win “Sulumits Retsambew”contest.

If by any chance you are not taking part in SEO contest then you can help me a lot to win Sulumits Retsambew ! Just link back to my “Sulumits Retsambew” article.

Please use the Anchor Text as Sulumits Retsambew and link it to


Afzal Khan

Twitter Profile over Google Sponsored Ad's

Have you seen any Sponsored Ad over Google for search term "Twitter", that too not for any website or blog was to follow Twitter Profile.

Great impressive to see people don't hesitate even investing money just to increase Twitter follower's count...or I can say good approach for Speaker's to build up reader's list, involve user and promote services to them. Overall Creative approach!

Google Search Screenshot for "Twitter"

Twitter Sponsered Ad over Google
Twitter Profile of Tammy Camp displaying paid advertisement.

Twitter Profile of Tammy Camp
Well I can't shell out money over Google Sponsored Ad's to increase my twitter follower's number. I am quite happy the way people love my tweet's and follow me. If you feel you can follow my tweet's at


Afzal Khan

Free Top 20 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools

Many times I receive email's from blog reader's (It includes many of SEO Experts too) about which SEO tools I use on for daily SEO analysis or question's like Please suggest best ways to boost their site/blog positions in Search Engines?

Which tool you use for Keyword research & analysis? Which SEO tool's you use for making site search engine friendly? How you find out Technical problems associated with website coding and their structure, Google page Rank, spider simulation, link popularity and the list goes on. There's a huge list of all such question in my mailbox!

I have assembled list of Top 20 free SEO tools available online which I'm sure you will love to jump now.

Here is the list of most useful Free SEO tools you can also use to optimize your website or blog. I have used and analyzed all of listed free SEO tools online.

Keyword Research & Analysis Tools - Keyword Finder
1. Free Keyword Suggestion Tool From Wordtracker
2. Free Keyword Suggestion Tool by
3. Free Keyword Suggestion Tool by Google Adwords

Link Checker, Link Analysis & Link Popularity Tools
4. W3C Link Checker tool
5. Free Reciprocal Link Checking Tool
6. Link Popularity Checker tool by
7. Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer tool

Server Side & Domain Analysis Tools
8. Domain Age Tool
9. IP Address Checker Tool
10. C-Class IP Analyzer Tool
11. Server Header Checker Tool
12. Search Engine Spider Simulator

Search Engine Rank Checker Tools
13. Free Firefox Rank Checker tool
14. Free Google Rank Checking tool
15. Google Page Rank(PRV) Checker tool

Traffic Analytic Tool
16. Google Analytics
17. Traffic Tracking Tool by
18. Search Engine Analysis Tool by

Robots.txt Creation Tools
19. Robots.txt Generator - SEO Tools

XML Sitemap Generator Tool
20. Online XML Sitemap Creator

SEO Toolbars
1. Free SEO Toolbaar by Aaron Wall
2. Rankquest SEO toolbar
3. SEO toolbar for IE & Mozilla Firefox by SeoQuake

Bonus Free SEO Tools
1. Google Webmaster Tool
2. Google Sitemap Generator
3. Free SEO Tools by
4. Duplicate Copy Finder by
5. Similar Page Checker tool by
6. Free SEO/SEM tools by
7. Free SEO Tools by

If you liked the collection of SEO tools which I use for my daily SEO activity, do not hesitate to Digg it or vote it. You can also subscribe to TopRankSEOBlog RSS feeds to get all latest blog post in your mailbox

Afzal Khan
Search Engine Marketing Professional single source to get best resource avaiable Online on various topics & niche

To all of my client's and blog reader's, I always suggest if you want to promote Blog or Website, first decide on niche or topics or subjects you want to explore and build your site based on that, do a research on your competitor's website.

The question which usually reader's ask Where I can find such Website & Blogs? or How can I get list of all such sites? or Can you please suggest some resource?

So to all you folks, who want to explore best information on the web without even wasting time or do research on various site in their niche, is for you. Although there are many blog directories available, like Stumbleupon, Technorati Or Google's blog search even many more.

But to my personal experience is excellent alternative to all such websites, even worth alternative of iGoogle.

Instead of hopping across sites to sites online and subscribing to various RSS feeds, visit - One stop source for online reading on various topics. displays one the largest and best collection of RSS feeds from N number of topics and makes your online reading task lot easier. is an “online magazine rack” of popular topics. We update the stories every hour. Pick a topic by searching, news category, or name, and we’ll deliver it to you 24 x 7. All the topics, all the time. Website ScreenshotAbout Alltop
We help you explore your passions by collecting stories from “all the top” sites on the web. We’ve grouped these collections — “aggregations” — into individual Alltop sites based on topics such as environment, photography, science, Muslim, celebrity gossip, military, fashion, gaming, sports, politics, automobiles, and Macintosh. At each Alltop site, we display the headlines of the latest stories from dozens of sites and blogs.

You can think of an Alltop site as a “digital magazine rack” of the Internet. To be clear, Alltop sites are starting points—they are not destinations per se. The bottom line is that we are trying to enhance your online reading by both displaying stories from the sites that you’re already visiting and helping you discover sites that you didn’t know existed. In other words, our goal is the “cessation of Internet stagnation” by providing “aggregation without aggravation.”

By now you must be thinking of How you can see your Blog at Alltop too isn't it, Before you do anything, watch Video tutorial .

And if you have any such sort of Question stacking into your mind.....Q. Some of my favorite sites are not included, how do I get you to add them?....Q. How do I suggest an additional topic?...Simple...send an email to Alltop mailto: info(at the rate)

TopRankSEO Blog at
If by luck your are Site Owner and Blogger, want to get your site or blog added to Alltop?....Simply fill up Alltop Submission Form

At last, I would like to inform all of my blog reader's TopRankSEO Blog (SEO Service Blog) is also included to Alltop feed under Search Engine Optimization (SEO) category. Thanks to Alltop for considering TopRankSEO Blog, don't forget to explore TopRank SEO Service Blog at SEO.Alltop.Com, alternatively you can also subscribe to TopRankSEOBlog feed.


Afzal Khan

Google New Favicon - Google got new favicon in January 2009

Have you noticed changed favicon image in your browser (Mozilla) while opening; Don't be puzzled or surprised or think there is some fault in your web browser.

Google made a change to it's Favicon Image on 09th January, 2009 atleast I noticed this day.

The new Google favicon image, 2009
Google New FaviconNew Google Favicon Image can be found at

Here is the old favicon image which was implemented in 2008
Google Old FaviconOld Google Favicon Image can be found at

If you want to check all of Google's favicon update, Visit or subscribe to TopRankSEOBlog RSS feed.

Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008 by Tamar Weinberg

No need to look around, hopping from one website to another in search of best blog posts and resource on Internet Marketing topics.

Tamar Weinberg of has already taken the pain of compiling & publishing "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008" from all round.

All such blog website posts included in the list of "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008" will be useful and range from beginner to advanced with a greater emphasis on the more intermediate posts. If you’re starting your Internet Marketing business with not much know-how, you can't miss to read compilation of Best Internet Marketing Posts for 2007 by Tamar; according to her, you will find most of them still relevant and upto date.

In her "Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2008" she has covered each & every topic of online marketing publishing best post for all of us. I personally thanks her for all of effort and sleepless nights spent.

Collection of "Best Internet Marketing Posts - 2008" has been grouped into different categories and written short descriptions on each post. Click to read best posts of 2008

Tamar Weinberg comprehensive list is categorized into topics covering best posts on Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media: Generic Strategy, Social Media: Strategy for Social Sites,,,,, Wikipedia, StumbleUpon, Fark, Facebook, delicious, Flickr, FriendFeed, Blogging, Viral Marketing, Link Building, Reputation Management, Google Analytics, Personal Branding, Google Yahoo & MSN Local Search, Content Development, Web Development, Affiliate Marketing, Domains and Domaining, AdWords/PPC, Internet Marketing, General Marketing and last but not least Best of Techipedia 2008

The full list is a great list for inspiration and will be great read to all of us. You can bookmark her post which will be useful in future too. It's Tamar gift to the online community on her Birthday.

How to get recurring Visitors to your Website

While most webmasters concentrate on getting visitors to their websites, smart website owners concentrate on getting visitors to come back again and again, developing an audience who has passion and interest in their website and product.

Here are 5 ways to get your website visitors coming back for more:
  1. Start a Blog – Blog about things going on in your industry, new products and sales. Get involved with other bloggers in your niches, and encourage new visitors to sign up for your RSS feed.
  2. Email – You are capturing your visitors email address, right? Let subscribers know about new deals, new content and new products that they may be interested in. Create special coupons only for email customers to encourage visitors to sign up.
  3. Content – Create compelling content (Video, Music or Articles) that brings visitors back for more. Even though it may not be your main product, sticky content will bring back visitors to your site and eventually turn them into buyers.
  4. Twitter – Twitter is a micro blogging platform that is very popular right now. By letting visitors who have already subscribed to your Twitter feed, you can let them know about new content on your website. Since they subscribed, it's obvious they want to be informed of what's going on your site.
  5. Break Content into Parts – If you've developed compelling content, try breaking it into a series. For example, a video can be broken into 2 or 3 chapters and shown over the course of a few days or a week, in order to keep visitors interested and coming back for more.
Guest Author Profile:
This article was contributed by Maya Richard, who writes on the subject of Comcast deals. Maya Richard invites your feedback at mayarichard at gmail dot com