Showing posts with label social-media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social-media. Show all posts

Social Media Experiment - Twitter follow or Un follow by Sampad Swain

Social Media Experiment: How online behavior can reduce Twitter noise By Sampad Swain.

The post takes into account a online survey and analysis to understand 2 questions : Why people FOLLOW or UN-FOLLOW in twitter. Taking cues from the survey, Sampad has tried to understand how online behavior can be used to reduce the noise in twitter and hence increase signal/noise ratio.....Read more at

Some great insigth explained in a very simple manner & the question was: Why u *FOLLOW* or *Un-FOLLOW* someone in Twitter?

Methodology: Launched a survey on 19th May via tweets asking the same question. Till date got about 32 responses off 310/203 i.e. “Following/Followers” in Sampad Twitter profile through Twitter replies, direct messages (DM’s), emails and additional few responses came from other sources anonymously.

Findings & Conclusion
There is no doubt that there is a lot of noise in twitter due to spam messages, blog links, self-glorifying updates, blog marketing and many more ways. But from the figures above, it is very much clear that usable information will get Tweople following you whereas spam messages will put Tweople off.

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