Showing posts with label google positions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google positions. Show all posts

Google New Highlight Feature: Shows Organic SERP Results look disctinctive with Colored Blue Shaded Box

Google New Highlight Feature: Shows Organic SERP Results look disctinctive with Colored Blue Shaded Box & Website Thumbshot Preview

I was excited and thrilled to be first to blog about Google's new highlight and website thumbnail preview feature at Search Engine Result Page's. I shared this with many of my friend's, but to my strange it's not showing up in many countries/data center's. Probably Google has rolled out it on few selected Data Center's and as always after some testing/feedback's they will push it across all of their data center's. So those who are not seeing it now, get ready to explore it in next few days.

The new feature which Google has introduced at organic SERP's is a new highlight feature to each and every single website listings at organic results. The new Google search engine result page's are shown under a Blue rectangle box with a site preview thumbnail snapshot picture. The new SERP's look's entirely different and it's more interactive and soothing to eye's. has also included such similar feature's and I believe it's Google reply to Bing Feature's. By including a thumbnail preview Google is really edging over Bing in terms of making searcher's experience better.

Google's new website thumbnail preview pic feature is based on a website which I optimized almost 5 years ago, the site was and they were into visual search technology allowing the thumb pic's of website
(Girafa visual search technology allows users to view thumbnail images or pictures of websites listed next to textual links on search result pages).

I am glad to see the project on which I had worked before has been introduced by Google too. It's a big breakthrough for user's with a extra-ordinary experience.

What do you think about Google's this new feature and what's your experience do share your view's/feedback in comment box below. If you also seeing the same, please do share :-)

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Wondering about

UPDATE  09/09/2010 -  Google has a separate "AbuseIAm" team responsible for identifying & removing abusive content on Google properties.

I use to cross check my blog traffic regularly and often visit those website links which shows at my analytics account to keep track of conversation's why my blog link is included there. I am sure everyone does the same:-)

Photo Credit

Well surprisingly few days ago I noticed a visit from very un-usual link "" which was showing at my Google Analytics Account.

The word "Abuseiam" on a Google domain was something which caught my attention. I had never noticed the visit from such link, but all of a sudden 2 visits in row on consecutive days made me puzzled. Immediately I Googled about it, tried to research about "". Stumbled across Google Webmaster Forum where few people also experienced the same, but there were no concrete answer about what all is "Abuseiam".

Search Engine Marketing Professionals - Google position number 5 for ranking at # 5 position for "Search Engine Marketing Professional"

It is known in SEO industry expertise and skills of SEO professional is measured if he is able to achieve top-10 positions without over-promising. Importantly to follow only white hat SEO practices and apply techniques according to Search Engine Guidelines.

To prove and show my SEO capabilities I was targeting to rank for one of the most competitive and very tough keyword “Search Engine Marketing Professional” . I have optimized my website especially to target this keyword and was working to bring my website positioned in top-10 SERP’s results.

Today, I am excited to share that I am ranking in Position # 5 for “Search Engine Marketing Professional” below is screenshot taken on 28th August, 2008 strongly showing my SEO skills.

Search Engine Marketing Professionals -
I have published the rankings for some of my keywords at


Afzal Khan