Showing posts with label Yahoo Rankings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yahoo Rankings. Show all posts

Ranking for my Blogs as on 28th June, 2007

Yahoo!!! Rankings

Google Rankings for "SEO Expert Resume Blog"

My SEO Expert Resumes ranking on 2nd position in Google for keyphrase "SEO Expert Resumes & SEO Expert Resume Blog" Since I had optimized this blog to get rank at # 1 in Google, so I am not concerned much about Yahoo, MSN or other search engine rankings. As far my experience says, if you can bring your site or blog ranking on Google, you can achieve that so easily on other search engines. Although every site is optimized based on target search engines, since every search engine is having their own Algorithm to provide rankings. Like Google & Yahoo the both displays different results altogether for same Keyword, also no official from these Search Engines reveals their algorithm. It's all about reading articles & keeping watch on latest trends from Search Engine World, and most importantly it's the result displayed by search engines for my other Client's website. It's all about dedicating myself for search engines and applying that knowledge which I gained from various pros & cons.

Do check my other Blogs for which I am sure to achieve better rankings soon.

Listof All Bloggers - An attempt to make collection of blogger's Submit your lists for publication on Afzal-Khan LISTOFF! If they're funny enough, smart enough, and creative enough, you'll see your very own list crediting YOU and YOUR BLOG. Send lists to: On your mark, see you at: Afzal-Khan LISTOFF! Blog.

Internet Marketing & SEO Professional Resume

Explore Some Rare Collection of Indian Pictures

Collection of My photographs taken on various outings.

SEO Competition Blog

Ranking for my blogs - Search Engine Optmization Blog, India

Howdy folks,

Hope you all are doing Great, my life is also going cool. Well here's the latest news which I want to share with you all. Go and check for my current Google Rankings. I am very pleased at last Google has awarded me with such rankings. Still there's a long way, I want to be at #1 for these keywords and will achieve soon.

Ranking Status:

Status as on 11th April 07

Keyword Blog URL Google Yahoo MSN

seo expert resume 9 NA NA 13 9 23

seo expert resumes 12 NA NA 8 1 1

seo blog india 12 10 12

seo blogs india 13 30 20

seo expert resume blog 1 2 2 2 NA NA

search engine blog 12 NA NA

afzal khan seo 2 1 1 4 NA NA NA 2 NA

experienced seo bhopal 2 NA NA

Looking forward for better Search Engine Rankings & that too at # 1 in Google, Yahoo & MSN.


Afzal Khan
Internet Marketing & SEO Professional