Showing posts with label Google Search. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Search. Show all posts

Google New Highlight Feature: Shows Organic SERP Results look disctinctive with Colored Blue Shaded Box

Google New Highlight Feature: Shows Organic SERP Results look disctinctive with Colored Blue Shaded Box & Website Thumbshot Preview

I was excited and thrilled to be first to blog about Google's new highlight and website thumbnail preview feature at Search Engine Result Page's. I shared this with many of my friend's, but to my strange it's not showing up in many countries/data center's. Probably Google has rolled out it on few selected Data Center's and as always after some testing/feedback's they will push it across all of their data center's. So those who are not seeing it now, get ready to explore it in next few days.

The new feature which Google has introduced at organic SERP's is a new highlight feature to each and every single website listings at organic results. The new Google search engine result page's are shown under a Blue rectangle box with a site preview thumbnail snapshot picture. The new SERP's look's entirely different and it's more interactive and soothing to eye's. has also included such similar feature's and I believe it's Google reply to Bing Feature's. By including a thumbnail preview Google is really edging over Bing in terms of making searcher's experience better.

Google's new website thumbnail preview pic feature is based on a website which I optimized almost 5 years ago, the site was and they were into visual search technology allowing the thumb pic's of website
(Girafa visual search technology allows users to view thumbnail images or pictures of websites listed next to textual links on search result pages).

I am glad to see the project on which I had worked before has been introduced by Google too. It's a big breakthrough for user's with a extra-ordinary experience.

What do you think about Google's this new feature and what's your experience do share your view's/feedback in comment box below. If you also seeing the same, please do share :-)

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Google's New Search Options & How You can use It: Google's 2nd Searchology Event 2009

Google's New Search Options & How You can use It: No Wonder when GOOGLE add new feature's or announce any new product, it reflects on whole Online community.

Yesterday on 12th May 2009, Google had their second Searchology event where Marissa Mayer, Vice President of Search Products and User Experience, announced new features they have made in search. Prior in Google 1st Searchology Event, Google introduced the Universal Search and Personalized Search a feature that blended results of different types (web pages, images, videos, books, etc.) on the results page.

Google Search Options:- You will find "Show Options" link at top when you will search at Google as shown in image below.

Google Search Options
On clicking "Show Options" it will offer you lotz of option to refine your search based on:

SEO Expert - Afzal Khan› All results

› Any time
Recent results
Past 24 hours
Past week
Past year

› Standard results
Images from the page
More text

› Standard view
Related searches
Wonder Wheel

Check out a "Google Search Option" video tour:

Official Google Blog: More Search Options and other updates from our Searchology event


Afzal Khan
Search Engine Marketing Professional

Google SERP's Ranking Algorithm Result Updated - Top Rank SEO Blog

It was in news since April 2008 that Google is updating it's algorithm. I was keeping eye on the SERP's and haven't experienced such changes till date.

As a routine I check my blog/website rankings for my key targeted terms like "Search Engine Marketing Professional", "Internet Marketing Experts", "Online Marketing Experts", "SEM Expert", "SEO Experts", "Interactive Marketing Professional", "Ethical SEO Expert", "Google SEO Expert" and many more.

My Blogs/website were in top-30 positions and for few keyterms I was in Google Top-5 positions. Till yesterday evening I was doing good for all these keywords and was able to
maintain such rankings from last 1 year. But today surprisingly when I checked the rankings everything was up & down. I experienced the drastic downfall in my rankings.

On 16th July, 2008 Google Fellow Amit Singhal has explained the google ranking algorithm and after that it seems, Google was updating its Algorithm as results are varying drastically on Site Indexing as well as on keyword popularity beside the SERP result for particular site.

I am aware - Google constantly updates SERP's results, constantly indexed the URL's, content to improve the algorithm, but this time Google Update has made a bigger impact.

I know I will again regain the positions by closely analysing & implementing the latest algorithm updates. Overall current updated is more severe and willimpact the other business on larger scale.

I noticed discussion at many SEO Forums with people either complaining or praising a major shift in their rankings over the past 2 days. Major website owner's are complaining the same of loosing rankings to greater extent.

It's time to study in detail and apply SEO strategies with full force. I know Google is kind and will reward me again for my Ethical SEO practices.

Wish to achieve my rankings back as soon as possible.

If anyone else has also experience the same, do share your views, have you seen positive results or not.

Afzal Khan
Search Engine Marketing Professional

Google Ranking Algorithm - Technologies behind Google Ranking Explained

Amit Singhal, Google Fellow explained the Official Google Blog: Technologies behind Google ranking in his latest post published on 16th July, 2008 at Official Google Blog

Amit reveals the core technology in Google ranking system comes from the academic field of Information Retrieval (IR).

Google Ranking Algorithm consider various aspects over web page before awarding any ranking for those website URL looking over heavily on below:-

Understanding pages
Understanding queries
Understanding users

At the end of his article he also mention the latest advance that Google Ranking Team made in search is Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR).

CLIR allows users to first discover information that is not in their language, and then using Google's translation technology, we make this information accessible. I call this advance: give me what I want in any language.

Don't miss to read more at Official Google Blog: Technologies behind Google ranking