Search Google, Yahoo, Bing or Twitter Replies from your IM with "SBOT"

Do you want to check SERP's results without visiting, & or want to see your Twitter replies without opening all these search engine's and twitter site on your web-browser.

So here's a great tool which you can use to access multiple search engines right from Instant Messengers IM's like Google Talk (G-talk), Yahoo Messenger and MSN messenger. It's an IM search bot, called "SBot" built by Prashanth of TechBangalore and Saurabh Minni of 100rabh

"SBot" is a very handy and useful in terms of saving your loads of time, also it makes searching task lot easier by providing us with an option of not to struggle with multiple tab browser or hitting at Search Engine shortcuts on browser. On top 'SBot' is always available in IM to perform searches.

Here's the step by step method to experience "Sbot" great feature's:-
1. Add search bot "Sbot" to your IM's (G-talk, Yahoo messenger & MSN messenger), right now "SBot" supports searches for Google, Yahoo, Bing (MSN) & Twitter only.

SBot IM's
  • Google Talk (G-talk)   -
  • Yahoo Messenger       -
  • MSN Messenger         -

Once "SBot" added to your IM buddy list, you are good to go.....

2. To perform search using "SBot" here's the shortcuts which you need to use at respective IM's for your searches at G, Y & MSN.
  • To perform Google search send g search term [g your query term] 
  • To perform Yahoo search send y search term  [y your query term] 
  • To perform Bing search send b search term     [b your query term] 
  • To perform Twitter search send t search term  [t your query term]
Example:- I did a search for "professional indian blogger" to see results at Google(G) & Yahoo (Y)

Google Results --> g professional indian blogger

Yahoo Results ---> y professional indian blogger

There are many more other ways to search results at Search Engine's without visiting them, I found Ann Smarty of SearchEngineJournal has written a great and interesting post on "3 Ways to Search Without SERPs" where we can learn more on other ways to check search results.

Please visit


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