Learn Google Analytics by Analytics Experts's at Google Analytics Conference India

Being in Online Business it's very important for every Business Owner, Online Marketing Team's, products team to understand and learn all about how to use analytics data in effort to improve Site user's experience, improve online sales, make online marketing strategies etc.

Every website owner is aware with impact of using Analytic Data, of being major uses Google Analytic as the tracking software within their site. Some utilizes, and for many Google Analytics data is still tough to integrate and merge to enhance their end results.
Google Analytics University
Here is the good news for you all Novice, Beginner or Pro users with Analytics, Google is hosting a Google Analytic Conversion University Seminar at the Google Gurgaon, India office on August 8th, 2009.

Get answer's on all sort of your questions like on how does one identify the best metrics to understand how long it takes to complete a sales cycle, or improve customer loyalty?
To help marketers make smarter business decisions, the Google Analytics team brings to you Google Analytics Conversion University - a one-day live event in Gurgaon.

It's an great opportunity for folks in INDIA to get answer's to all of their queries related to Google Analytic from the Analytics Guru itself. Polish your Google Analytics skills and better understand your website visitors at Google Analytics Conversion University Seminar.

So what you all are waiting for, Join the Analytics Seminar.

Venue and Time: The Google Gurgaon Office on August 8, 2009

For registration and more details, Please visit: www.getGAready.in

Read more about this event on the Google India Blog: Get Google Analytics Ready!


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